
But look how quick they were to shut down Azaelia Banks’s rant where she used a slur? Hm...wonder what the difference is? I’ll give you a hint: If it’s against Black women specifically, it’s always fine.

This will probably remain in the greys which is a shame but I will type it anyway as it needs to be said. Rape should not be handled by any local police forces, it should be a federal crime. The FBI should be the one investigating rape cases for the following reason:

1) The FBI has access to better quality labs, which

Team Cat Headquarters here;

Putting this out here:

Or maybe the sex is that good. Seriously though, I just went on her FB page and it sounds like this Jian guy (not Canadian so never heard of him) is a personal friend. And lots of there are "two sides to this story" and "these women and all the other women who call him a creep are just out for revenge." I Unliked

Check out this line:

You know, if I was trying to prove that I hadn't sexually assaulted someone by leaning into my consensual bdsm cred, I wouldn't use "my relationship was like a mild 50 Shades of Gray" as some sort of proof that this relationship was super-duper consensual. I would distance myself from that book so freaking hard.

"She found sympathetic ears"...they were just lying on the ground, near the subway station. It was a really lucky score.

They included accounts from three separate "educated and employed"