Tina Corbett

No police officer can prevent all theft. I wish they could, but thats just not possible. Now it DOES sound like they could have handled your request for help better, but you cannot blame them for the actual theft.

I'm sorry you had so many issues with the police there, but that still doesn't prove that they're all or even mostly bad.

Explain then.

Hey, if $5 in a tip jar at the doc's office will get me a warm speculum next time.......

Sorry, but anytime you pull the "Nazi" card with any group of people you dislike, you automatically fail in these conversations.

Attachment parenting? Isn't that where you breast feed a kid till they're old enough to drive to the store to get regular milk?

I actually had to get up and walk away from my computer for almost 10 minutes after reading that...

I have a serious question...how in the heck did kale get so damn trendy. I grabbed a leaf off of a bunch at Kroger the other day and ate a piece when no one was looking. I had to spit it out and go have a coffee.

Theres a reason that that warning label is on the front of your Flinstones Vitamins. If you were to let your kid eat a whole bottle at once, you'd have either a possibly dead child, or be spending the night at the ER.....

Um, actually it does. But, it's just that it's in the womb...not by anything that parents do or don't do after birth.

I want to feed my boy child on nothing but the poison filter of a large animal!

Is that seriously a book that tells parents to give their kids fucking bleach!? Why is this person not in jail!?

My son is Autistic so I do know what I'm talking about.

I've been saying this for a while. The (fortunate) thing about vaccines is that they ARE so effective.

From the baby building nonsense:

Well, the Neanderthals are nothing but paleo for thousands of years and they...um..well fuck it.

What the Hell is that from????

I call shotgun on that drive!

Is it...crocheting a cover?

I just found this on another place: