"I thought you were taller!"
"I thought you were taller!"
Even though both parties say he never actually hit him?
Has he stopped screaming yet?
Should have edited:
That's what I've been doing. So, it's a work in progress...
"Have you been doing the "responsible" thing only and paying cash for items you can afford? Guess what, that lack of debt is going to bite you in the ass when it comes to getting a loan or lease."
Because...half of the people will be even stupider.
I love to fly as well.
Why is an associate producer STILL fetching lunch after 10 years on the job? Also, the story being told is that Clarkson just made a punching gesture...he didn't actually hit the guy.
I apologize on behalf of all the sane Ohioans. All 15 of us.
I want the office next to his.
I can watch stuff like this all day. I think I have about 300GB worth of stuff like this on my hard drive. :-)
Or, get it from the dealer...but just at the best price possible. :-)
I work at a Volvo dealership and as far as we know...no manuals here in the States. :-(
Ugh, I hate these things. To me, they rank right up there with those damn eyelashes that people put on their cars.
Don't care. Still love him.
Hammond suffered brain damage following a 280 mph car crash on a Top Gear shoot in 2006. When he returned to the show after months of recovery, Clarkson asked him if he was "a mental" now, and May asked if he "dribbled." The BBC had to apologize again.
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