
What? Diane ain’t going to be in it?

There are al sorts of ways to be assaulted that stop short of rape. Being followed and harassed is incredibly common.

Yes, that is the problem. We, women, are attacked primarily by those whom we know. But instead of saying “feminists are convinced that everyone is raping all the time,” maybe take a minute and think about what it’s like for most of the raping to be done by people you know. It means you never feel safe.

The world is a sad place if women feel that unsafe.

I doubt that would be the case, as women have to activate it. We don’t see a lot of false alarm when people are calling the police either, and the only one a potential wearer would bother are her “safety friends”

Honestly, women are less likely to walk the public spaces, specially at night, so if it helps putting more women out here and feel safe, I’m in favour of it. No bad side effects, and plenty of good side effects.

Fuck off

I’m sorry, but rape is a real thing and minimizing the feelings of insecurity a lot of women have is not ok. Women should be able to feel secure in the public space.

I don’t know, I was one of those girls digging through used CD’s at record stores when I was in high school and I wasn’t the only one so my perspective is different. I grew up in a town where most of the guys listened to country radio.


“Women find it very difficult at times to find music”

Do you think that’s limited to girls? Some people care about finding music, some people only listen to what they’re spoon fed on the radio and it’s not gender specific. I know tons and tons of dudes who have shit taste in music.

Yeah you get told your tastes and interests are all silly and embarrassing and “girly” thru your formative years it tends to shake your self confidence.

There must be something really rotten in the music industry to think that’s an ok message to deliver on TV. Like, nobody realized that it was not ok when briefing him?

I don’t doubt women have a hard time finding music, what with all the menstruating and buying shoes and whatnot, who has the time?

Um, I’m pretty sure having a vagina doesn’t render you incapable of using Spotify or a radio or the Internet....

I’ve sometimes found it difficult to find music I like, but just finding music in general? Shockingly easy. It’s almost as if music is completely integrated into advertising, television, film, and phone apps. “Pandora” ain’t named after a man.

Die Antwoord has a skit about him on one of their albums called “Uncle Jimmy.” Apparently he offered them some kind of album deal, and they found him to be verrrry smarmy and molest-y so they declined his offer, and wrote about him instead.

men are still saying this bullshit? fucking goddamnit

The whole concept behind this man’s viewpoint is bizarre, as if it insinuates women don’t even really listen to music unless we come into contact with a male music fan first. “I had always heard of this thing called ‘music’, but until Cyril brought home the gramophone, I was not quite sure it was for me”.