
I’ve said it before but Joel McHale dm’d me on Twitter once and it’s literally one of the top 10 things that has ever happened to me

Yes, yes - but who was the model for early sapphic hero George?

Yep -.- HIV rates are going back up because so many young gay/bi men no longer see it as a death sentence. That, and the availability of a pill that prevents you getting HIV (I haven’t looked into it so I don’t know anything about it, being in an 11 year relationship with one person it’s not an issue, but my ‘living

While I’m too young for the AIDS/HIV ads with the Grim Reaper and stuff, I lived on the streets for awhile - there were enough untreated STDs and HIV that I’m really, REALLY pedantic about safe sex. But most of my peers (I’m 26) think of it as something easily cured or manageable, so why bother at all with protection?

I imagine the lack of age appropriate comprehensive sex education and the proliferation of abstinence only programs has something to do with it too.

Women need to stop fucking Republicans. Seriously. Do not vote for people who don’t think that sex is fun and important to human connection and it can be dangerous just like driving and sometimes you fuck it up because you're a human and you make errors so there should be health insurance and birth control and

When I was a young teen in Northern California in the late 90s/early 00s, there were free condoms in places teens were likely to hang out - arcades, coffee shops, etc. and Planned Parenthood-trained peer educators in my high school that would give you free condoms and educational zones. I have not seen that level of

I banged most of the adult population in the noughties and got zero diseases. It wasn’t by chance. I didn’t dodge any bullets. I used condoms.

Exactly. Yet another reason PP is so crucial. In a civilized society, it wouldn’t need defending, but here we are.

Yep. Girls expressed this well with the classic line about all adventurous women having HPV, and I’ve read some sociological and epidemiological work that suggests the perceived lack of consequences of acquiring an STD is a pretty big contributor in the increase of the overall infection rate.

“Can people still get condoms for free?” They can at Planned Parenthood.

I’m a sexuality educator (Our Whole Lives) and we always teach two forms of birth control for PIV sex - one is a barrier method. And always always a condom. Can people still get condoms for free? Because I am old, and had my personal sexual revolution in the 1980s in San Francisco, free condoms were EVERYWHERE. Thank

I’m not surprised by this at all. Cindymoo works in the ER and women have been using it as their gyno, and she gets dozens, and I mean dozens, of funky pelvic exams every weekend. Since they require a woman to be in there if the doctor is a male, she assists on nearly every single one, and she’s been seeing a lot of

I really don’t think the incidence is increasing that much. This isn’t an increase in the incidence of STDs as much as it is an increase in people being diagnosed with STDs. I think this has a lot to do with people now being covered under the ACA. So, we have more people getting preventive screenings and tests, which

My guess would be:
a) antibiotic resistance
b) the theocratic eradication, defunding and demonization of proactive measures like: sex education and planned parenthood

I wonder how much lack of “scare education” and improved STI management and outcomes for people with more severe STDs are contributing to it. HIV is on the rise in communities of young gay men in part because HIV is no longer a death sentence and so it wouldn’t be unreasonable for similar trends to play out in the

Abstinence only sex ed and healthcare restrictions are certainly the big factors.

Supergirl doesn’t need a reason for costumes.

Strictly geared towards men? How would that be presented, exactly? Like, what are you supposing is a “just-for-men” show? Shouldn’t a show just be for people, in general?

Ugh yes please have women have positive friendships. I was disappointed that even in this later episode it seems there is still love triangle drama llamas between Kara, Lucy, and Jimmy. Just give me Lucy and Kara as BFFs show!