
If she really wanted to show of the creative power of her snatch, she should have used her cooch to build something out of an Erector Set.

Her work has been commended as strongly vaginal.

Beholdeth the soliloqueef of a generation

It's ridiculous because everyone knows it is spelled 'sleauts', as in 'Beeping Sleauty.'

We Need To Talk About Kelvin.

I hope she has a section on chemical burns.

You guys. YOU GUYS! I hate monarchy and they are melting my fucking heart.

Fucking monopolize the handicap stall when I fucking need to use it for its intended fucking use?

a new guy started at work, and he was a very odd character. bipolar, divisive. so i poked around a tiny bit online, a kind of "who hired this guy?" search, starting with linkedin and moving out from there. within 3 link-clicks, i was on his pinterest, which was all shots of himself, or rather, of his butt. i closed my

He's probably just doing this for a Reaction, and by that I mean some items from Kenneth Cole's 2014 collection.