
OMG you missed the cutest woke man there.

As soon as Clinton and Obama reached out to Trump, his manic desire to be loved by everyone immediately kicked into gear and he began walking back many of his previous positions- on deportations, on the prosecution of Bill and Hillary, and on his language concerning undocumented immigrants who haven’t committed

My two daughters were both so excited to be casting a vote for a woman in their very first Presidential Election. Today, my eldest daughter had to keep excusing herself from a meeting at work because she couldn’t stop sobbing. My youngest, said her fellow college classmates were in tears, some having genuine panic

Last night I was at a bar in DC and when Trump won some state this guy with a group of Galludet students (a deaf university in DC) started doing a victory dance. I gave him a nasty look because what else can you do? Some minutes later he won another state, and three of his friends gleefully began doing Nazi salutes. I

Along with Viggo Mortensen and other idiotic third-party-supporting/abstaining public figures.

Fuck you Susan. Have a nice roll in your cash as you watch us poor women go bankrupt then die from cancer.

I hope Sue gets her own call-out article as well.

as an editor for jezebel dot com and a person with a reasonable understanding of public health, i too am deeply personally averse to pro-life ideology! however, i do very much value people who are straightforward and sincere (and: respectful) about what they believe, to the point of prioritizing those beliefs over

My mother once told me that I had been the ugliest baby she had ever seen. Then she paused a bit and went ‘You look fine now though’.

For goodness sakes, people, this is an amazing Vaseline-type slime coating that protects the baby in Utero, while it’s being born, and briefly after birth. It’s like Cosmolene for a surplus Army Jeep. It’s very, very cool.

My dad was (and still is in many ways) a dad who falls short. Parenting clearly isn't his forte. But that is okay. I know he would live and die for me too. I have never in my life doubted his love for me. He's very critical and overly involved, but I am still incredibly close to him. At the end of the day, he

My stepdaughter is almost 13 and so far, she only stops talking when she's playing Minecraft. Often not even then. She sits there and gives me a running dialogue of what she's doing. So basically they never stop talking? Until they hit their teen years, decide they hate you, and shut themselves in their room, or so

They once referred to him as our new "hobby."

Exactly. We have child-free friends who constantly pontificate, even though we never bring up our son when we see them. They once referred to him as our new "hobby."

I would live and die for all three of my children. Each one is precious in my eyes. I also wish I did not become a Dad. I'm not nearly as good at it as I had hoped. I feel like there is no refuge or sanctuary when things get really difficult. The peaceful moments either never happen or are far too short and few.

It's kind of a bummer. I used to be good friends with a few childfree couples, but the older we get (mid 30s) their childfree status seems to become more and more integral to their identities, making conversation difficult. I refrain from talking about my child, but that doesn't help.

My daughter talks all day long, she's 10. As she's gotten older her conversation is wayyyyyyyy more interesting than it was when she was 4 but we still have to ask her to stop talking sometimes. She's super self-sufficient now and can do her own laundry, make lunch and all that good stuff. Our house is so empty when

The though of having children petrifies me, for a number of reasons, but this one is pretty high on the list. What if I don't enjoy it or regret it? I like my quiet time, solitude and have a very independent nature.

I understand why people would feel like they couldn't talk about this. If we're being honest about feelings here, I honestly felt no sympathy for the women above. To be honest, I saved all my sympathy for their children.