Tim Werner

Jim Dolan is and will always be a spoiled 12 year old who would have his dad fire the chef who burnt his grilled cheese sandwich. He has gone through life living off his dad’s money, running his empire without ever having to face any consequences for his buffoonery. He fancies himself a “rock star” because he pays his

I think we’ve solved who DB Cooper is...

Also, AV Club has talked about Alita a whole bunch AND gave it a higher review grade than Captain Marvel.

Nah, dude. We’re going to sit here instead and pretend that this shitty movie is worth seeing because some neckbeards on Reddit decided to talk crap about it. Media journalism isn’t about promoting good stuff; it’s about promoting reactionary, tribalistic takes while gigantic Hollywood studios laugh all the way to the

If misogyny were the reason for the backlash against Ghostbusters 2016 or Captain Marvel, why did the same men who don’t like these properties enjoy Wonder Woman?

It is painful seeing how they’re just cannibalizing any bits and pieces they can get their grubby hands on from canon Trek rather than coming up with their own stories. Not just ideas, plot points, and themes, but to actually try and shove anything you might remember from the original series down the audience throat

BRAVO!!!  I wish i had more stars to give you. That is the perfect response right there

Narrator: In space, no one can hear you scream...
Ripley: Help! I’ve fallen and I can’t get up!

Well said, Tim Werner, and spot on.

Well said, Tim.

None of these people will address your valid points because it doesn’t fit into their woke narrative. Wonder Woman was widely liked, Gal Gadot is a fantastic role model, Israeli Military, martial artist. She did not need to start a go fund me for little girls to see her movie, or try to portray herself as a woke

Bravo! Well said. Thanks for posting your well-thought out opinions. (seriously, not being snarky)

Don’t forget the OPPOSING “fanboys/fangirls” whining about how putting a woman in anything makes it GOOD...and you’re SEXIST and MISOGYNIST if you disagree.

Speaking as a Marvel fan, I couldn’t care less if the lead is male or female. I do, however, care quite a bit about whether the story is any good, the acting

“hoping that they can just wait out and weather Donald J. Trump and his 63 million followers for two more years.”

The rationale over leaving because IS have been defeated is a cheap ploy to hide the truth here which is that once again the West, the US and British in particular, are doing what we’ve always done which is to abandon the Kurdish people to oppression and violence after relying on them for key material support against

Defense Secretary Mattis has, in his time, been guilty of some shit—but the thing about the military is that if you’re in it for long enough, and get promoted high enough, you’ve not only done some shit, but you’ve seen enough shit to know when shit’s getting to thick to bother with.

We can comb through Mattis’ past

The primary reason why rich people in the US will relentlessly keep squeezing poor citizens is that they’ve never had to contest with a revolution.

I dunno. I wrote about the appeasement payment several days ago on this site, and a lot of people jumped on me for suggesting that 1)  1.6 Billion dollars is not chump change,a dn should not be tossed around lightly, and 2) Appeasing Trump right now, when he’s on the skids and won’t even be in town after the 20th, is

When I was a kid I really liked her. For some reason, the Bronco Billy movie made me laugh. (I was 9-10ish. I’m not sure if youth is an excuse for bad taste, but I’ll try.) I partially understood the palimony case. I remember an uncle saying she should keep her mouth shut and be happy anyone put her in a movie. I felt