Tim Werner

Of course you are correct. I heard clips of the Trump’s visit to China, and it sounds fucking pathetic. All these Trump supporters screaming about USA being number 1 should be ashamed of themselves. What Trump said over there can be boiled down to groveling, for example on the US - China trade deficit “ I don’t

To be fair, it’s really hard to reach the top of the DeVos family pyramid without airplanes and helicopters.

I voted for Trump, I can make stupid mistakes like that because I live in New York State.

One of the things I noticed as I was growing up in Southwestern PA was how religious belief changed from area to area. The televangelists were the big thing things and people were “buying in” to arm-chair spirituality in droves. It was something Genesis lampooned with their song “Jesus He Knows Me”

Or in another sense, for these people, the ideology is the religion - fealty is paid with faith as the only true arbiter of worthiness. You don’t support Mao? Die. You don’t support Stalin? Die. You don’t support Hitler? Die.

Oh, I was specifically responding to Abbot’s statement: his position that embracing God will enable the peace that he believes can only come from god... Rather than by reducing the number of weapons available or otherwise altering the rules for their acquisition... Its an asinine position to take, Religious or not.

“whose policies in turn ensure a steady and returning stream of “customers” (inmates).”

Hair Donald believes he’s beloved, so is too delusional to be suspicious. No world leader is more beloved in his own mind than Drumpf, believe me. Horrifying realization of the hour: Cheetolini has less self-awareness than Hitler.

Actually studies suggest a fair number of men only rape once or twice and then stop. Others are serial offenders. There was a piece in the NY times about it a few days ago.

I’m sure the Danish and Dutch monarchies are just as spendthrifty, but they do it off-camera. The problem with the British monarchy is that William and Kate are lazy. They don’t want to work, and they don’t bother hiding it. When they do work they’re fine, but four events a month? Princess Anne does six in a day.

I’ll be voting.

No...no they really don’t (unless you consider less than 10% compared to state prisons a “reduction”:

But here’s the caveat: The Democrats would have to be true to their word, they’d have to be genuine. What was the first thing the Clintons did out of office? Hitting the multi-million dollar speaking circuit. What was the first thing the Obamas did out of office? Partying it up with dudebro billionaires like Richard

Black and white

I like what you said but just contemplated...it seems like it may be possible for men to become dirty because /if when they were young they were attractive they may miss the positive responses they used to get, not accept the lack of flirting or whatever has changed when their looks went, and get forceful, harass etc

“as far as I’m aware it doesn’t prompt new thoughts or behaviors”

It’s not terribly surprising. His dad was a sociopath Klansman who made his living screwing people over and making sure black people couldn’t live in his buildings. So he’s got genetics working against him, and then he’s got his rearing to finish the job.

I would give this 100 stars if I could.

Barring actual cognitive issues like dementia

I mean, this accurately describes why my original choice for the Democratic nomination was “anyone but Clinton”. I certainly voted for her in the general, but it was with the least enthusiasm imaginable.