Tim Werner

Maybe it was erroneous of me to use the term in that context. I was thinking of other countries’ history and how much their system of governance has changed in the 240 years that the United States has been around. Think about the second largest Western nation as a comparison for instance. In all those decades that saw

Exactly. By the year 2040, 70% of the population will live in just 15 states, most of whom will be solid blue states like California and New York. They will be represented by 30 senators. 30% of the population will live in 35 states, represented by 70 senators. If some of those more rural, less urbanized states aren’t

That depends on the Democrats coming up with a long-term strategy to push back this tide of fascism, which would include broad and sweeping reforms not enacted since the Roosevelt era.

There is nothing that they could have gotten him with that would have mattered to the Republican majority. Those dog days of the Republic are over, and they are never coming back.

It’s not Joe Manchin’s fault that the vast majority of his fellow West Virginians are rabid Trumpers. If he wants to keep his seat, his only hope is low Republican turnout. What’s the net benefit of Manchin voting no when the end result is the same and Kavanaugh gets appointed? Without red state Democrats, the party

It’s hard to believe that this is written by a deputy editor of a liberal political news site. Russia Today would cover this in a very similar fashion, as breeding apathy among leftist voters in the West - so that they stay home come election day - is one of the key goals of Vladimir Putin to shepherd destructive

It doesn’t matter how well they would have questioned Kavanaugh. You could have cloned Marcus Tullius Cicero ten times and replaced every Democrat on the committee with the famed Roman orator and lawyer and the end result would have been exactly the same.

When you don’t have the numbers, you retreat to fight another day. You lose the battle with as little casualties as possible and that enables you to win the war. It’s why the Romans survived after Cannae, and the Britons after Dunkirk. Blaming the Democrats for losing a fight they were always going to lose breeds the

You don’t know what you’ve got ‘til it’s gone
They paved paradise and put up a parking lot

The question is, how would those seven million votes for the candidates of splinter parties have been distributed between the two major party candidates and between non-voters, if those other candidates had not been allowed to run? There’s a chance that Trump would have gained on Clinton on the popular vote

Does it make her feel good to peddle conspiracy theories, does she think she will excite her GOP base?

Odd that you chose to blame Jill Stein, but not Gary Johnson, even though he received thrice as many votes as Stein. Personally I find this particular blame game entirely misplaced and demonstrating a disdain for democracy, as these candidates and their parties had every right to run a campaign as they saw fit and

she “will not abandon” her principles of “due process and fairness.”

I have a feeling that Ronaldo won’t be travelling to the United States anytime soon.

There was a Star Trek episode where one character was punished by having his (murder) victim’s final memories implanted in his head, replaying over and over again. If such a technology existed...

I fail to see where we are not in agreement.

Because Trump hates Mexicans and it adds an extra layer of humiliation to his hypothetical hell on earth.

One of the reasons that the Republicans have been able to control the Supreme Court for half a century is that their judges know how to retire strategically - when they can rest assured that their replacement will be another Republican.

The Republicans are well past the point where evidence of sexual assault or perjury mattered. This is a party that has committed treason three times to win the Presidential election over the last fifty years, if they don’t give a shit about treason and child rape (Alabama), they won’t be swayed by some “youthful

Manchin will not be the deciding vote. He will either vote with Flake or Collins and Murkowski against Kavanaugh, or Murkowski and him will switch party lines tomorrow, just like they have done today.