Tim Werner

America’s fatal historical mistake may have been fighting the Civil War. If the South had seceeded in peace, it would have likely crawled back and begged to rejoin the union before the turn of the century, and without any of the undying animosity and thirst for payback and revisionism that came with their defeat in

Not even that. They don’t give a shit whether the fetus stays healthy during pregnancy - hence why they’re responsible for the United States being the only developed nation in the world with no universal prenatal care and maternity leave. Birth defects, miscarriages and maternal mortality are the highest in the

The way things are going, that party will be indistinguishable from the NSDAP by the year 2030. This also means that if they are still in power by then, they will employ similar methods to silence the opposition.

It’s not the Senate that limited the FBI investigation, but Don McGahn, the White House consel. Don McGahn is also the man tasked with getting Kavanaugh confirmed, a fairly obvious conflict of interest that is just part of the game these days.

“Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny, consume you it will.”
- Master Yoda

the murder of innocents is the worst sin to them

the romantic fairy tale of the American Dream

50 years of Democrats retreating and falling back have made the Republicans understandably confident.

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Maine Sen. Susan Collins, another swing vote, said, “It appears to be a very thorough investigation.”

The Republican appeared way more sympathetic than Underwood. Plus, Joel Kinnaman looks like G.I. Joe.

Trump isn’t Hitler, he’s Wilhelm II. I’d worry about someone like Tom Cotton running in 2024 against whatever Democrat will by then have failed to clean up the giant pile of shit left by Trump.

Anyone, Republican or Democrat, fears the wrath of Republican voters far more than the wrath of Democratic voters, and with good reason. They’re rabid, they’re well armed, they’re easily scorned, and they have a very long memory.

Democrats are always fighting yesterdays’ battles. Everyone with a shred of political literacy knew, going into the 2016 election, that the next President would be able to appoint dozens of appeals court judges, and up to four Supreme Court judges, enabling him or her to solidify a conservative or liberal third branch

Anyone who believes conservatives will ever be allies in the fight against the rising tide of fascism, needs only to pick up a history book about Europe in the 1920ies and 1930ies. Without willing conservative collaborators, the likes of Mussolini, Hitler and Franco would have never been able to seize and maintain

She’ll always be Strabist Goebbels to me.

The Democratic Party is like Obi Wan. Old, washed up and hiding out in the desert, but also: Our only hope.

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Which is why an Eshh (for Sharah) musht alwaysh be followed with an Eshh (for Shuckabee).

When House of Cards premiered in February 2013, the House majority whip was a Republican, and had been a Republican for the last two years prior.

The crackling sound of Grennfell tower burning would be an appropriate background noise to those speeches. At least the foxes are safe for now.

Jared Leto is playing Condoleeza Rice, I’d hardly call that a mere cameo.