Tim Werner

The cartoon villain evil of the Donald trumps the dreary, bureaucratic evil of Xi.

Bill Maher is an establishment Democrat and a free speech fundamentalist who genuinely believes that even the most lunatic wacko deserves to be heard. On the other hand, it’s been forever since he’s had a genuine leftist (think Greenwald, Scahill, Chomsky) on the show.

Adolf Hitler enjoyed economic success in his first years, too, and extorted impressive concessions with his aggressive, “Germany first” foreign policy.

Maybe we should stop euphemizing these installations as “tent cities” and start calling them what they are: Concentration camps.

They’re a liability only because liberals always jump the bait whenever a conservative dangles these false equivalencies in front of them. This is basic armament whenever arguing with these types:

I think he’s related to this guy:

That study, unsurprisingly, found that crimes based on race, sexual or gender identity, and religion are on the rise across the country. According to the report, 2016 hate crime figures increased by 5% compared with those from 2015.

The actors were actually pretty decent, although Vince Vaughn as a mob boss was woefully miscast. It wasn’t their fault that the story never came into focus.

a macabre crime in the heart of the Ozarks and a mystery that deepens over decades and plays out in three separate time periods

They love America alright, but only the slice of it that is white, male, heterosexual and Christian. They love that slice, but they hate the pie as a whole.

Taking a knee during a song before a meaningless game is literally the least offensive, least intrusive and least disrupting demonstration of civil disobedience possible.

Reminder: Gianforte wasn’t elected despite his assault on a reporter, but because of it. It’s not a bug, it’s a feature.

They’re pretty similar to the pharisees in the bible. They go through the motions, they say the words, but their heart is not in it. They’re judgmental, greedy, spiteful creatures. Jesus would take less offense with people who didn’t go through the proper motions, but whose heart was committed to doing good. He’d be

I try to live my life according to the golden rule, silver rule and categorical imperative. A Christian who takes the basics of Jesus’ teachings seriously and genuinely asks himself “What would Jesus do?”, probably arrives at a similar decision as I do on most issues.

Well, the Christians who emigrated to the new world were often Christians whose views were too extreme to act out in their home countries.

They’re pretty certain he hated gays, though.

Evangelicals are big about whataboutism these days - which is, interestingly, originally a psy-ops warfare tactic developed by the KGB during the Cold War. If all morals are relative, and nothing matters anymore, the republic is in bad shape, because a shared set of common values are the foundation that binds us

Prosperity gospel for the win.

Jesus would have a tough time reincarnating these days - which country to pick for touchdown? The Middle East would be a bad choice for obvious reasons, but the largest Christian country in the world wouldn’t be safe for the socialist arab either.