Tim Werner

He looks like the high school football captain whe relentlessly terrorized the nerdy kids, only he’s gotten old and out of shape and longs for his glory years more with every passing day.

The older I get, the more I find the Civil War to be the worst mistake in American history. The South should have been expelled from the union after the war, with every free black being offered free passage and housing in the United States.

What a disgrace not to show up for such a close vote.

You do understand of course that the Republicans are not the only politicians who are guilty of war crimes?

People really need to switch their allegiance from football to basketball right about now. It’s the future. Football is on its way out, not just because of the racism of the NFL team owners, the liabilities from CTE alone will do them in on the long run.

Apparently he’s been pretty wiped out after that 11 day foreign trip.

The Republican Congress may not get much done on the legislative front in form of major legislation, but it has already gotten a Supreme Court seat out of Trump and more district court seats than the last three Presidents combined at this point of their term. Those are some major, long-term gains for the Republicans,

Apparently Murdoch and Trump have been friends for a long time and are still in regular contact. Trump is a huge moneymaker for Fox, and Fox in return provides Trump with cover fire to get away with all the corrupt stuff he pulls on a daily basis.

One of his classmates from military prep school wrote a piece about his experiences with young Donald recently. He’s always been a showboat with little substance. Most people born into such generational wealth at least have a certain poise and polish that he lacks completely.

Precisely. It was a long shot, but the only shot he had left after being a horrible and widely hated governor.

Hannity is quaking in his boots every time a black man wears a tan suit, he’s easily scared, just like his viewers.

You’re saying this as if him burning to a crisp during re-entry is somehow a bad thing.

We could dust off one of those old Saturn V rockets, that should be able to handle the heavy payload.

I’m not sure if the Democrats would reign in executive power, even with Trump in the White House, because it would limit the authority of the next Democratic President as well. They certainly didn’t do it when the question arose during Nixon’s final months.

He’s a big power broker in and major donor of the Democratic Party. Saban calls himself the “one issue” guy, and his one issue is the welfare of Israel. Keith Ellison wasn’t sheepishly allegiant to Israel in his younger years and mildly critical of the illegal land-grabbing of Palestinian territory, that’s why Saban

A lot of people have been asking themselves this question: What if Mueller drops the hammer, and the GOP just doesn’t care? You know their base won’t, they’re well beyond a shared reality with the rest of us, where facts still matter. As I understand it, Trump is immune from prosecution by the law as long as he is

Lots of ketchup, just ask Donald Trump.

The landscape in the Senate isn’t very friendly to the Democrats in 2018 - that’s why the Alabama seat is so important. There are 25 Democrats, but only eight Republicans on the ballot next year, but worse, of those 25, ten are Democrats in states Trump won and of the eight, only three in states Clinton won.

Teddy Roosevelt was a character.

Mike Pence is not a man who wins POTUS elections - he makes John Kerry look like John F. Kennedy.