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shoutout for Movie Maddness

Reminded me of The Truman Show. And with the crane shot of a boat in open water, maybe that was intentional.

His albums have the soul of comedy. I've never heard anything like them.

alt + right? more like ctrl + alt + delete!!!!!!!!

pay no attention to the man under the toupee

ah! you beat me to it

there will come soft rains

Here's hoping that they move beyond the book's breathless and unrelenting obsession with polyamory. I almost threw it across the room it made me so mad.

If that doesn't work out, he could run for President.

Is Rupert Grint busy or something?

Is it time to bring "full of epic win" back, finally?

Don't talk about Lindsey that way. It's 2016.

And two hot dogs on one bun?! Save room for Jesus!

Joke's on all of you. Ned is still Jon's father and it just turns out that everybody on this show loves incest.

This… is garbage.

there is hope for the future

What's an abortion again?

Modern-day Daria is represented by Gilfoyle on Silicon Valley, and since he doesn't have a thigh gap, I think they've Gotten With The Times enough.

I'd post a tribute song but he took them all down.