
If only he had aviator sunglasses and "Won't Get Fooled Again" for when that happens.

Well someone is getting a strongly worded letter.  We Tims have to stick together. Except for Olyphant, who can probably take care of himself.

Well someone is getting a strongly worded letter.  We Tims have to stick together. Except for Olyphant, who can probably take care of himself.

Agreed. The sooner they are cast, the sooner I can stop picturing them as the Kardashians.  Not that the big one wouldn't make a pretty good Obara.

Agreed. The sooner they are cast, the sooner I can stop picturing them as the Kardashians.  Not that the big one wouldn't make a pretty good Obara.

Stupid sexy Daario, basically.

Stupid sexy Daario, basically.

I agree the slow buildup is nicely done, but…

I agree the slow buildup is nicely done, but…

Bates for Doran Martell! We know he can play crippled and brooding well.

I sense…anger.

I wonder though, whether it was the sexuality that made it a problem, or the ambiguity.  By which I mean, the show was clearly willing to go to the gay panic well for laughs later on.  Perhaps the problem was not that Garak might be gay, but that a gay/bi character could be such a badass.  Much easier to stay in a

Doesn't Dax in some future episode (uhh, spoilers? not really, though) have the hots for an officer with a transparent skull?  Of course, we never actually see him.  Which tells me that, even though the writers thought about how the presence of other species might influence sexual attraction, they didn't have enough

Forget about the yard.  Mr. Wilson would have been interrogated until he saw five lights.

Maybe Dukat had additional lines, but Marc Alaimo decided the whole quasi-courtroom scene was too stupid to bear, and walked out.  I would not have blamed him, frankly.

With a name like Smugfuckers,  it has to be good.

I think we should [MAJOR SPOILERS] avoid hyping the truly great episodes coming up, and instead spend the next 18 months building up the transcendent magnificence of, oh, I dunno, Time's Orphan, maybe? Just for sh!ts and giggles.

Interesting that you can pinpoint from the comments the time when Leonard's review probably was posted on Digg and non-avclubbers came flooding in to defend the mom against the accusation that she's obese. Also interesting that they all picked THAT part of the description to be upset about. You'd think they might be

I think DS9 strongly hinted on several occasions that Jadzia Dax's sexuality was, umm, fluid. Didn't she seek jamaharon with Vanessa Williams? (Wow, I guess I didn't block that terrible episode out as well as I thought.)

I learned Control around the age of 7. And my 'Nasty Boys' routine is still a killer.