
In defense of the firstie (ugh, I can't believe I said that) the way the line is delivered in the episode, it sounds like Rose is saying "interuterine." I know that's not a word, really, but 1) Rose was an idiot and 2) it was meant to rhyme with "Miami, you're cuter than" so it sort of made sense in the context of the

years of school bus rides have brought me to this point
Miss Kenley had a tugboat,
The tugboat had a bell,
The tugboat went to heaven,
Miss Kenley went to…

I agree. The Hater and the New Sincerity should not mix. They just sort of cancel each other out. Sort of like, fire + ice = lukewarm water. Trust me, I've checked.

Could I be any less gay?
Even in losing, Joe seemed mainly concerned with making absolutely sure everyone knew he wasn't gay.

For LAdies only?
You mean, like the movie with Gregory Harrison as the stripper? Is this a tongue-in-cheek remake, or am I giving Usher too much credit?

The timing makes sense
Fred Thompson should be available to reprise his role as Viggo the Carpathian. And god knows Sigourney Weaver isn't above doing a pointless and ill-conceived sequel to a beloved classic. Now if only there were a way to shoehorn a Winona Ryder android into this movie…

Bewteen the possibly-pregnant panda and this…
I have all my fingers crossed. Now how am I supposed to get any work done?

I like to read articles on astronomy and bike repair on aol.com and see how long it takes for someone to quote a passage from the bible about gays burning in hell.

And she's always on every single movie channel in some movie I don't want to see every time I want to watch a movie. For the last time Starz, I do not want to watch Grace of My Heart right now. Sheesh.

just a thought here
I mean, someone had to be the first person to have herpes, right? And the dude that just couldn't resist her skill with stone tools and opposable thumbs? Well we've paying for his weakness ever since.

Solomon Grundy want pants, too!

I miss those sassy Designing Women, and the pedantic first-wave feminist lectures that concluded each episode. That is all.

She was interviewed on, uh, I think The Sound of Young America(?) with another guy from the Best Week Ever blog. As much as it pains me, as a Hater fan, to say this, her on-air persona was, shall we say, less than compelling.

Dude, you better explain how that works fast, or I will get _nothing_ done at work today.

JACKIE AND SARAH'S COUCH: Come on, sit on me. You know you want to. I'm so plush yet contemporary. I promise my cushions will provide you with back support, and you won't fall backwards onto the floor.

Marion Barry jokes never get old- that's because Black don't crack!

Clearly you missed the point, mein freund. What could be more fun than sitting on a beach with your AVClub-approved reading, drinking PBR from a plastic cup, and feeling superior to all the overweight moms with their Nora Roberts and James Patterson? If you answered "nothing," you're correct.

DOne and Done
The only thing worse than this would be if Michael Bay decided to make a movie based on a stupid board game, like maybe the Ouija Board….

Then again, I suspect Michelle Malkin could also do an adequate job of making Sidney Crosby look bad.

If you scratch Ann Coulter in just the right place, I hear you can make her Adam's Apple twitch.