
What a dark, dark turn for our characters.

I generally don't care for musicals. So I fought my family who were wishing hard for a musical episode ever since CW started casting Glee alums and theater artists. After my cousin forced me to watch performances by Valdez, Benoist, Cavanaugh, Gustin, Jordan etc, I cannot goddamn wait for the musical crossover.

I liked this episode more than I should have.

I'm telling you, a relationship advice show or even a podcast with Cisco and Winn. Their expertise on dating supervillains and out-of-their-league partners are unparalleled.

The seminar will be conducted by the HR from "Powerless," in which Kara and Mon-El will be forced to watch 6 hours of anti-sexual harassment videos.

I don't see anything wrong categorizing her as A-list. She has the media exposure to back it up. She's appeared in almost every major DC animated series and recent fans seems to know her. But if you're basing it from publication alone, then sure, she's B-list at most.

I don't know, man. This has been the funniest episode so far. Tudyk's face when he saw a flying Batarang and his explanation on his relation ship with Batman were hilarious! And who wouldn't jump for joy like an idiot if you get to meet and/or Batman saves you?

Never said I was condoning what she did. She did a terrible thing. Unintentional as it might be, she's still at fault. Was Thea right to have made a move? Yes. Was it too much? Yes. I am just having a hard time condemning what she did because of how the show presented Susan to us: untrustworthy and a threat.

It is, man.

Well, that's true. Maybe Oliver's in love. We all know what Oliver does when he's in love. Another Batmanesque quality. Ladies are these crime-fighting billionaires' kryptonite. I get you. It's just that I love Thea too much that I'd probably let it slide whatever villainy she does. Not all, but most.

She is, well, a version of her, not unlike the Moira Queen of Earth-1, in Timeless. Untrustworthy as ever. I love it.

It seems no one is siding with Oliver in this episode, rightfully so. It's Thea we're talking about here. I don't think they'd go as far as to make her an antagonist in the future. (I hope not, because if they did, screw you Team Arrow. I'm Team Thea forever)

We'd all love to see Zatanna. But I think she may be a little bit too of an A-list for them to use her. I have no complains, though. I've always seen Mary Elizabeth Winstead as Zatanna.

Katana. Or Thea (but we don't deserve that much awesomeness)

Goddamn that was great! Does this episode not prove Quake and FitzSimmons deserve to at least have a cameo on Infinity War? I strongly believe they do.

We. Need. AMAZONS!

I believe he is more prominent in theatre. If Karen Gillan, at some point, (and I'm not saying completely impossible because of the world we live in), guests as someone who is personally connected to Rip, I am going to lose it.

So much Sara moments. We all win.

Was really looking forward to this episode without the highest expectations when it came to the actual Gorilla City. I say not bad. It's not The Jungle Book, but that is okay. It's always good to see a different setting. Jitters, the front of CCPD station, Star Labs, etc.

I love that scene! I've liked Chyler ever since Teen Movie. Janey Briggs is still my all-time favorite Chyler character. I mean, Captain America had the hots for Janey.