
Cisco and Winn: Relationship Experts.
Gives new meaning to the words "evil exes."
Swipe right if you're evil.

Drinking game: Drink every time "Mxyzptlk" was said onscreen.

Episode VII-X
Reveal of the Jadis

What a heavy episode. Still compelling but that was intense. I'm just glad Thea's back.

Stephen Chow threw that knife. Kung Fu Hustle-style.

Review's right. The episodes after the winter finale were all great but this one's different great.

I'm okay with wigs, and I'm okay if she doesn't wear one. As long as it doesn't look like flashback Oliver's or Phil/Rip's. Sara as Black Canary pulled it off. Didn't even notice she was wearing one. Suit-wise, your standard leather jacket and some sturdy top would do. I'm not sure about fishnet stockings and tube

Can I just say that I'm a Laurel fan, but I am so digging this Dinah. Five seasons in and Guggenheim and the writers finally got who Black Canary is. No fucks given, quippy, crass, badass and efficient. We're going to learn she was a vocalist in a band, right? I mean, she's already wearing the halter top with leather

She is White Canary. Not Resurrection Man.

A very late Christmas episode. But regardless, it's still a gift to all of us.

Unless your name is Joe, it's probably going to take two seasons for another West to win me over. I'm only warming up to Iris' character this season. So I'm not exactly jumping for joy when the show is putting the focus on this Wally. But that's just me. Maybe if Kid Flash is really a kid.

This show confuses me. As a dutiful comic book reader, I am obligated to check the pilot. It didn't blew me away, but it did not send me away either. I am not loving this adaptation but it certainly has its hook. The cast is good even if Archie looks like an attractive and huge Conan fan who watched his show live and

Her Roulette red dress for last week's museum's opening was ex-cel-lent.

Wishful thinking: She is at Central City overseeing the construction of the Hall of Justice. Then, when they returned to 2017, she snuck in the Waverider and is currently hanging out with the Legends.

That was a great episode of Arrow. No. Maybe it's just me, but excluding Invasion, that might be the best episode of Arrow this season.

Focusing on a different team, albeit an evil one, is a smart move. It works.

Cisco-centric episodes always bodes well, methinks. Or maybe having a brighter character take point on this episode is a welcome relief from moody Barry and Flash in general.

DCEU's treatment of its Jimmy Olsen doesn't seem so stupid now. Can they please get rid of this one as well?

Should've been clear. I realized it as soon as I posted. I actually meant Supergirl putting emphasis on a week storyline: forced vigilante arc. Like what Arrow season 3 did with its forced romantic plot. Other than that, man, I have no worries with Supergirl. Definitely agree with all your points. This show brings joy.

Supergirl is only on its second season and it's already dangerously becoming Arrow season 3. Okay, that's a little harsh. And I'm pretty sure Benoist is likable and endearing enough for us to ignore this idiotic vigilante arc.