
Right. She did as a child in Legends. Forgot about that. Was only thinking along the lines of Arrow.

Sigh. At least Felicity suffered through multiple Canary Cries. At least Laurel finally hurts her.

HOLY LANCE! This has to be my favorite episode of Legends so far.

Good episode. They basically just gave us the synopsis for future episodes. And I approve.

Kara kickstarts 2017's return of superhero shows. What joy. Off world and aliens are always welcome alternatives to jewel thieves and cats stuck on trees.
- I don't know if it's just me, but Dichen Lachman IS Roulette. She looks and acts the part. Reminiscent of the "Grudge Match" episode of Justice League Unlimited. I

There are no words for this heartbreak. Personally, this loss hits the hardest.

Knew Disney was onto something when Toretto killed Lightning McQueen in the teaser trailer. Now we get the full trailer of Cars 3. Excellent!

Never said that Merlyn and Darhk are in the league of The Joker and Luthor, nor did I say they're in this universe. The argument was why are they still running around. It's the age-old comicbook dilemma: why can't the heroes just finish off the villain? That way, they'll never have to worry about them in the future.

Right on all points, Mr. President. The Legion of Doom should recruit you, you being an evil historical figure and all.

Even Mick doesn't mess with Captain Lance. HEY! Seriously, though, it's okay to bring back Rip but with a different role for the team. Maybe he can be Spock to Sara's Kirk?

You know that the past two weeks were great because they all, collectively, gave a sense of contentment. It's like, I know we're not getting new ones till next year, but the last 7 TV hours were such a treat that I'm actually okay with the wait.

Purcell went out with AnnaLynne McCord, 17 years her senior. On TV, it's basically Mick going out with one of the kids of 90210. Yeah, I get your point. If they go the romantic route, though, I believe Richardson-Sellers can pull off the maturity. Does this make Mick Mari McCabe's grandfather/granduncle?

Why can't they include Grodd and King Shark in the mix? It's going to be a very expensive one, probably bench or send off those who use CGIs on another mission and just leave Sara and Mick to fight, but, hell, it's going to be fun!

Invasion! really did a number on our shows. Maybe it’s just me, but I believe they have gotten even better than they were before. No Holiday episode where our Legends can sit down and have a nice dinner, but still great.

Her, "Do we know The Flash? Do I know we know The Flash? Of course, we knew The Flash!" is a contender to all-time best revelatory reactions.

Jimmi Simpson is a constant, possibly a fixed variable in time. He is in these shows with different timelines. Always liked this guy. It's nice to see more of him.

My Thea worship will never end. She organized a Christmas party and suited up—I'd call this Holiday episode a success on those merits alone. But after all that excitement, nothing prepared me for that cliffhanger ending. It better not be another alternative reality arc. As Amell said, every Green Arrow side character

Cold beverages by Caitlin. If her scientist gig doesn't work out, she'd make a killing in mixology. Also, I believe that alien booze is fatal to humans. But whatevs. Shots!

Oh, she does everything better than Oliver. Personally, I'd prefer it if Thea takes over and becomes the star of the show.

See, the first half of season one, that could've been residual effects of still seeing Willa as Kaitlin Cooper from The O.C. Or maybe that was indeed Kaitlin Cooper but Barry messed up the timelines and universes. Kidding aside, her name is a testament to her character. She is indeed Queen.