We are good!! They are bad!! Problem solved!!
We are good!! They are bad!! Problem solved!!
Tell us how the economy works, Timothy Geithner.
Dude it has to be simple, otherwise the media won’t cover it and the liberals won’t accept it.
Dude, it’s an anti-empire metaphor. Let Kristen Lee have her page-hits and try to eke out a living with her parents’ help.
Trying to get through your headline and can’t.
“Emma Baccellieri” Lolololol
Dude you are a fucking mongoloid. Why do you even bother pretending that you are even a semi-legitimate journalist?
Dude, why do you even work at Deadspin? I’m totally confused.
Samer, I seriously hope you and the rest of your shitbird family end up like this.
Just want to congratulate the Gawker family for an excellent 2016.
Feinberg you’re a shitty hack.
No offense, but did your parents help you buy your apartment or do you live at home?
Sorry bro. We live in a sick society. Trump is a symptom, not the cause. Hopefully people will remember that once the shock subsides of voting a lunatic into office, and they go back to pointing fingers at other stuff, including writing about institutional racism from the comfort of their 2br/2ba crazy pro-trump…
I never said I was conservative, taco jockey. Really you should be holding yourself to a higher standard. But you’re basically right, your party has shown itself to be nothing more than full of shit rhetoric guised as serving the public. So put down your vegan pupusas and prepare to take it in the ass for a while. …
God, young libtard Americans are pathetic fucking snowflakes. Hopefully this will go motivate you to actually participate in the democratic process. You know, finish your acai bowl and smoke a joint first though, while you’re struggling to make it as a “writer” in the “new economy,” and your parents are looking to…
Are you a dumb Mexican? I ask because she kind of looks like one too.
Tell that to your superdelegates, fuckmonkey!