Tim Tankerd

Getting 2: Out the Boogaloo

Yes. There is no ethical justification for farmed meat. The environmental impact of farmed meat is ridiculously outsized.

Just the greatest blend of camp and spectacle. Such a ridiculous classic.

The only correct answer is "Moonraker." I'm sorry but you've forfeited all your points.

DOA with a KBE? Posh AF

I wonder why this article is trending

It wasn't bad, his son was in the graduating class and he was a pretty solid guy.

I'm pretty happy with Downcast. Great file management.

No that was Minnesota Fatsburger

The saddest words of tongue and pen are "it might have been, spoonman"

I got David Brenner. He was pretty funny! I heard the line about "shoot for the stars so you'll have the moon to fall back on" for the first time. I enjoyed it.

Look I'll tolerate the gays, the lesbians and the transgendered but supporting the Québécois is a bridge too far.

*smash cut to Year Nine of the Ivanka Interregnum*


I really love this article. It's an analysis of every photo Melania took and posted on Twitter

Few things point to the fundamental racial degeneracy of the GOP better than the replies to every @FLOTUS post. Just person after person posting how grateful they are for an "elegant" person in the White House. You can be one of the most accomplished First Ladies off all time and be an exemplar of positivity to

America- where you can grab the pussies and end up President but if you're told about it on a bus you'll end up fired and an historical footnote forever.

There's something cosmically hilarious that of the two men on the bus Billy Bush was the only one to face consequences.

Mama Mia! That's a spicy bit of surrealist neo-noir!

Sacre bleu! Un pun gran!