Tim Tankerd

Clinton has NOT been getting a commensurate boost from minority registration. Latest polls have shown her minority support to be surprisingly weak.

It's so damn scary. How are people adjusting to this? I'm legitimately thinking about moving my retirement fund into precious metals. I've got a sinking certainty he'll win and things will be just as bad as we thought.

Feels bad, man.

It's just so transparently fake. It's clear that it's mostly scripted reenactments and I kept hoping for some twist… Man I hated that film.

His first name is literally the Turkic form of "Muhammad"- there's no way he's not getting some loyalty tests under Trump.

That is expensive! It's $5.00 for a 12 at Whole Foods and $3.99 for a 12 at Safeway here. Could be cheaper but I still think compared to any other individual beverage it's still a good price.

What they've done is make the Obamas look even better. The entire eight years have been largely scandal free, to the point that their detractors have to just make stuff up about him being a Muslim King from Kenya. Clintons have supplied more than enough rope to entangle them.

Who are you going to trust? The benevolent bacon boys bankrolling this website or your own lying eyes?

For your consideration: Processed Pork Fat is delicious!

Me too, it's like they decided to wake the West Coast up with some panic.

Actual leaked email from Univision:

It's a site about Avocado Veal Club sandwiches, brought to you by Hormel.

"Please sir, just a taste of speck or lardo or prosciutto- the bacon is hurting me"

You know, The AV Club turned into a subsidiary of Hormel so abruptly, I certainly did notice.

We have forty years of lunar laser experiment data based on a mirror Neil Armstrong put there. How could that be faked?

I did! I thought his little explainer about how he didn't get permission or even inform his brother he's writing about him is setting things up for a potentially very ugly confrontation/sequeL

"Brown still writes that he angrily and drunkenly introduced her to anal sex while she was eight months pregnant"

So has anyone read Rabin's latest memoir? It's really good! Classic Rabin.

La Croix coconut is like a cream soda. Mix a little white rum and a splash of pineapple juice in it? You've got an under 100 calorie pina colada brother!