Tim Tankerd

Once Zhuang Zhou dreamed he was a butterfly, a fluttering butterfly. What fun he had, doing as he pleased! He did not know he was Zhou. Suddenly he woke up and found himself to be Zhou. He did not know whether Zhou had dreamed he was a butterfly or a butterfly had dreamed he was Zhou. Between Zhou and the butterfly

Wait- humans respond to an easily digestible and palatable source of fat and calories that have been liberally dosed with cheap chemical flavor enhancers? My god! This changes everything… It explains gravy!

This "theory" appears over and over again online and can be applied to almost every movie. Wizard of Oz? Jaws? Interstellar? Weiner? The protagonists were all killed in the first ten minutes and the "movie" was either heaven or a coma dream.

I feel like it's one of the answers in the SATs about comma usage

I've been mispronouncing "Boyardee" my whole life.

My favorite example of double standard is the way they handled the white kid wearing a MAGA hat who ate the face off a random person. Or maybe when cops bought and delivered some Burger King to Dylann Roof after he shot up a black church

Right wing think tanks and opinion mills do quite a bit to proliferate the narrative and provide an intellectual framework for these patsies. ALEC and the Koch brothers were very much a part of the movement's beginning and they had plenty of support at the beginning from the GOP.

The NRA's muted response to the murder of Philando Castile, a licensed carrier who followed the rules 100% and still got killed, says quite a bit about the priorities of the organization.

Modern gun control, in the form of the Mulford Act, was directly spurred by the Black Panthers

So you're telling me Daddy Drank?

“The Gen X tribe was responsible and very concerned about their well being. The millennials were less concerned about their safety and more excited that they were making Survivor history.”

Oh, that's much better than mine.

So he lost some really big rings? Did they come with no strings? How about his whole team? There's some suspicious elements here.

Not just fuck 'em; first you've got to maim them repeatedly in elaborate ear notching ceremonies coupled with exhaustive record keeping, possibly to ensure you're not eating the fucking goats or fucking the eating goats.

Stolen photos of Princess Margaret banging around were (allegedly) "get out of jail free" cards after the Baker Street Safety Deposit robbery.

Stay tuned for Rabin's famous secret recipe "Manicotti Parmesan Dream Dish!'

Slice them, put them on a baking pan with some olive oil, salt and basil, cook for an hour at 350 then purée in blender. You've got homemade tomato sauce ready for canning brother!

You know, I was about to call BS- that someone like the actor who played Kevin couldn't possibly have brought in that kind of cash but some quick googling reveals he's currently listed his $3M mansion in LA so I guess I was wrong

"These words…"

Interesting header image. The real castaway that Crusoe was based on, Alexander Selkirk, spent his free time on the island engaged in strange goat games where he'd hobble wild goats as kids then recatch them repeatedly for the sport (and, it's been suggested, for some erotic release).