Tim Tankerd

you've got to be pretty clear eyed about this. The site needs income more than it does anything. Adblocking has really eaten into the margin of profit for websites. One reviewer being paid to consistently write 1500+ word reviews of marginal television show episodes is not going to offer the ROI needed to keep the

According to some other thread he's currently in Malaysia working for a makeup company. True or not it only burnishes the man's rep.

Look you can either complain about this or about Good Job, Internet but not both. AV Club is a business and if the choice is between native advertising for faux artisanal bacon or just a never ending conveyor belt of clickbait I'll take this one.

Gee, I wonder if it'll be about having conflicted feelings towards mainstream comedy coupled with seething resentment that his direct peers and students all have much more successful movie or television careers while he's been the "next big thing" for twenty years.

Funnily enough "awesome" probably translates to "terribilis". Meaning "E Pluribus Terribilis" would be a better subtitle. Or something like Ex Multis Magna. Either way it sounds pretty fascist.

And yellow enough to indicate either chronic dehydration or overconsumption of B Vitamins- hopefully it's explained in Justice League

Well again, yeah. Managed funds do underperform compared to index funds, especially if you're paying commissions and fees through a FA . That's why you stay in low cost index funds. Vanguard and iShares have lots of low cost, low fee funds pegged to different indices that you can purchase directly through your

How wouldn't it kill him? He looks like a flight of stairs would give him a stroke. I bet he had a "fat guy fucking chair" like Edward VII

Think about that- Ailes is majorly involved with the Trump campaign. How can someone who is that demonstrably toxic being a campaign adviser and in charge of debate prep? It's amazing- Trump has so many scandals the brain can't even process them before there's another, equally disqualifying one.

That's why you invest in index funds and reinvest your dividends my good man. In down markets you're getting more shares per dividend. Barring a catastrophic societal collapse (always possible!) and given enough of a timeframe the S and P 500 will outperform just about any other comparable investment.

That's true- and ultimately that's a rounding error for someone like Bill Gates or a Saudi prince.

That is a staggering amount of money. That could be used as an endowment for a foundation, invested in dividend paying index funds set to reinvestment, and be a major self funding philanthropic entity. I can see how artistic integrity or just the awareness of really only having so many years to function as an

Yup- after the disappointment of 'Into Darkness' and all that 'no, he's not Khan' bs I wasn't likely to give them the benefit of the doubt. When that trailer with the Beastie Boys and Kirk doing motocross stunts came out there was just no more leeway to give.

How are the sales for the special "Granny's Peach Tea" tie-in from Lipton?

Man, thank god for legalization for finally slaying all the trite weed humor. Now it can be bought and sold, by any adult, with no problems in a retail setting so many of the cliches and tropes are completely outdated.

One thing that really made "The Expanse" series stand out for me was their acknowledgement of simple physics. You don't need magic mindscapes or magic city shields or super beams, you just need something heavy to drop. Kinetic Bombardment (rods from God) would be essentially indefensible against.

Our good friend Nathan Rabin posted quite the delightful hot take on this topic yesterday!

"Pitt the Elder!"
"Lord Palmerston!"

Which was parodying "The Treasure of Sierra Madre"

His plan to nationalize and confiscate all Taylor Ham Roll in the state for strategic breakfast reserves really backfired on him.