Tim Tankerd

Ah yes, those halcyon days of the 1950s when static dances like "The Twist" and "Willie and the Hand Jive" were all the rage in the standing rooms where the people stood.

What happened to the furries?

I think it's native advertising isn't it? I mean it's too downright hagiographic to be a profile, formatting is weird, etc. Websites can't survive on sidebar ads alone anymore, you need a flow of income from things like native ads, referral links, and video. I'd guess this is los ninos down at Univision starting to

… And pastrami. Large amounts of pastrami.

I'm a big fan- some real standout scenes including my favorite where Cheney just lays it all out

Don't tell Aly Raismann which way to point, she'll point the direction she pleases.

Reed Is an absolute disgusting cuck! Does not deserve Sue. Surface men are complete wimps. Total mess. Sad! Let's Make Atlantis Great Again! What the hell else do you surface men have to lose? Your cities are always being threatened by tidal waves and sea monsters so why not Imperius Rex?

This game has made me appreciate other games like FTL so much more. A 300 mb game is just so much more immersive, replayable and has a much better defined universe and lore.

Great Job, Paul Simon!

Man I have been disappointed in this game. The actual gameplay mechanics are just such basic resource management and exploration- feels so much like just a generic iPad space game. The "plot" has done nothing but make me really appreciate the world building of Mass Effect.

How did he become King Shit? When did he first visit Fuck Mountain? So many questions to answer.

Those behaviors can be induced in animals fairly easy through environmental stressors. You just have to look at Calhoun's work on the Behavioral Sink to find some major parallels. Abject, senseless cruelty can be induced in mice in a few months through environmental manipulation.

Dude was surprisingly calm about it, had left some identifying details on his disqus profile or something, but it freaked the hell out of me.

I don't remember the thread but it happened to @velocirapstar

It's pretty amazingly prescient considering how much it's all evolved in the last quarter century since it was written

Man the "bad side" of the Internet is some genuinely scary shit. Like when an avclubber got doxxed and swatted for commenting about gamergate. There is a terrifying anomic and fetid stew of misogyny, racism, nihilism and "lulz" that's been fermenting away out there and even getting a whiff of it is horrid.

It's how I like to read "The Portrait of Dorian Grey" on 4/20!

No I'm just saying that we can't separate the response to this accusation from race. It's pretty intrinsic. I'm not talking about a theoretical double standard- I'm pointing out one that very much exists. I'm not defending Parker's actions or his innocence or guilt, I just think it's important to recognize the many

I just think we need to be aware of what motives there might be to preemptively target Parker and this movie and its message with such a multipronged effort. The extrajudicial murdering of black men through accusations of sexual impropriety has such a long history in this country- there does seem to be such a

It's impossible to separate the response to this story from Parker being black. White celebrities with serious domestic violence accusations (Bill Murray, Michael Fassbender, Sean Penn etc) seem to be granted the benefit of the doubt. Woody Allen is still working, his Amazon series is coming out soon. Why does this