Tim Tankerd

They have the whispered promise of income, spread on the faintest gasp of ROI; alight on the misty moonbeams of angel investors.

Yup- living in a properly legal state it's amazing how quick the transition has been. Now it's just like any other retail experience.

"Hola, soy Nathan Rabiñ y bienvenido a mi mundo de flops!"

I think the whole business model is on a really shaky foundation and the bubble is definitely popping. The power of a few gatekeepers like Google and Facebook over revenue is pretty incredible.

Man that was sad- all these features and everything just lurching to a halt.

What's really funny is now Univision is reportedly in talks to buy some of the Gawker portfolio… ¡Ay yi yi Bien está lo que bien acaba!

A website using deliberately stupid memespeak to create a sense of confusion and exclusion from regular readers? But that's unpossible! I know it can be two things but every Stride Mother I've ever met has liked Dawes…

Why it's almost as if clickbait pays the bills. Good Job, Business Model?

I know the conventional wisdom is that there is nothing good that's ever come from Gawker but they do have a track record of pushing boundaries and challenging narratives that has produced journalism with major real world influence

The Dissolve was the Hurrah. It just lasted a lot longer and was better funded then this "senior week".

Y'know, watching the last week of independent Gawker has a lot of parallels with this site. Seeing all these authors giving it one last hurrah, well it definitely reminds one of the rise and fall of The Dissolve. I know it's cool to hate on Gawker Media but independent media is a valuable thing. One more corporate

"Good morning, Sarah Lynn. Good to see you, Sarah Lynn. The tulips and chrysanthemums are really coming in!"

Heck just look at her shirt.

Nathan has one hell of a legacy of crap movies and snarky write ups. If you printed every article and feature he ever wrote between this site and The Dissolve you'd be looking at something with a wordcount rivaling Proust.

"…and it turns out his mother was in the room with him when he overdosed! Did someone say 'Despondent Enabling Dream Mom?'"

Doesn't drink or smoke, seems to be relatively fit, dad lived to be 93… Actuarially we've got another quarter century of Trumpery

Go back and read some op-eds and "political analyses" from the pundit class from six months to a year ago. No one saw this coming, not really.

Look if the surplus millennials weren't kept detached from society and fed on a solid drip of Supernatural gifs and shipping fanfic we'd be facing a demographic crisis.

One of my favorite silver age "twists" was when we found out Black Manta was… A Black Man!!

I just got the Dink reference myself (it means Dual Income, No Kids).