“Plus: Master Chief does not remove his helmet, giving him a leg up on a certain other famous helmet guy who got called out for doing that the other day.”
“Plus: Master Chief does not remove his helmet, giving him a leg up on a certain other famous helmet guy who got called out for doing that the other day.”
It’s interesting how Splinter just glossed over the corruption that looks to be rampant in the UAW. Their current and former president’s homes were just raided, six executives are facing or in prison, and RICO statutes and receivership are being seriously discussed. Rank and file aren’t sure where leadership really…
I got goosebumps all over my body when that happened. I thought I might burst in to fucking tears but I kept it together.
Best part? That Cap finally said it and it actually sounded pretty cool.
Trump in 2016: The FBI is investigating Hillary Clinton, she’s obviously guilty and corrupt.
Hillary being investigated by FBI = she is crooked
Trump being investigated by FBI = they are crooked
He got better
what’s up with the “my dear”? seems a bit patronizing
Seriously how did this not get mentioned in the article?
A racist, sexist, ignoramus with early-onset dementia gets elected President of the United States.
A good pig
All the other bullshit of this aside, how the fuck do you enforce government-mandated celibacy?
Out of all the reasons it was stupid and short sighted for liberals/democrats to vote 3rd party or not vote at all in protest of Hillary, the Supreme Court is the biggest and most damaging.
The “standard rules” were always able to be rewritten at a moment’s notice by whoever holds a majority position in the Senate though.
The Dems and Obama played it stupidly.
Trump’s so terrible we can run anyone we want against him and win in a landslide!
Seriously. I assumed he’d take at least a year or two to really fuck things up, but he’s gone and done it in a week.