
you do get a bonus for following squad orders, and if you stick with your squad and play a support role, ie; medic or ammo drop, then you can still get to the top of the scoreboard with a less than satisfactory kdr. In bf4 I was often playing as only a medic and being the number one player despite not having as many

the spotting in the beta was pretty wonky though. much smoother in the actual game.

Oh man, I felt bad just now. I realized I was the squad leader. I guess the former leader had left and I didn’t even notice it. I had already given up requesting for orders so resigned myself to playing without it. OOPS!!

I know, right?? It’s so adorable that they think the videos IN the video are real. SO ADORABLE!!!

WEAK!!! lol, so weak. don’t defend such bullshit points. it makes you look pathetic. especially when we have satire laws meant to protect specifically against that bullshit.

you’re telling me you can clearly and legibly read that??

you should cover me, with video games and money. please and thank you. LOL

last month, because I’m a worthless cripple on disability, I have very little cash. I desperately wanted to play stardew valley as I needed something to distract me from how much I hate myself and wish I was dead and how I wish the nonstop never ending agony that accompanies my every waking moment would fucking stop

yes, drm does affect sales. I’ll NEVER buy an always on game like diabl0 3 ever again. guess why?? because that DRM was pure bullshit. d3 worked so much better on my ps4. when my crappy internet wasn’t working, guess what?? I COULD STILL PLAY THE GAME I PAYED FOR!!

LOL!!!! THAT IS SO FUCKING ADORABLE!!! you think being mean in a tweet trumps legal rights. OH MY GOD!!! someone get this guy a cookie.

lol...... sony hates gamers, so no. the ps4 version does not have mods.

look at the guy who doesn’t understand the difference between similiarity and synonymous. isn’t that fucking cute???

this coming from a publication that refused to review no man’s sky because they don’t understand about old ww1 terminology??? come the fuck on with that bullshit.

good job on not understand english either.
comparison and analogy are synonymous.

wow comparing out of date copyright to legislature meant to protect human lives. that’s the most amazing logical fallacy I have ever seen. way to push those goal posts to the next solar system brah [especially when we are talking about media that’s long since lost all of it’s economic value and it’s only real value is

I’m not trying to mansplain to anyone here, but I see all these dudes pointing to the dictionary definition of man. that’s fucking idiotic. the name is an OBVIOUS war reference.
I’m not trying to argue the validity of choosing to emulate a ww1 era term but damn people, at least argue the right fucking point.

oh, you speak for niantic, huh??? cool story brah!

I bet kimekaro has never even been invited to a real party with real adults.

you’re real fun at parties aint you?

LMAO!!!! that’s so adorable!!! no. no.... no..... you obviously have exactly zero understanding of how batteries work, let alone ohms law