
Gotcha, so not really stair drawers. My best advice then is to google something like "build under bed drawer" and probably won't take you to long to get some ideas that fit your budget and skillset. Also, you pretty much know what you're working with as far as the bed goes and what might work/look best. As a

Your thoughts on when the next iPhone model, whatever it's going be called 4S 4GS 5, is going to arrive? Right now the pundits have said everything from last week to next year so they've pretty much got it narrowed down to sometime within the next 12 months.

use epoxy and sandpaper

Where do I sign up to attend?

Terry, agree that the interface was dated and a re-work was definitely in order. HOWEVER the re-work took many "single-click" tools and made them into 2 or 3 click access. Also, the tools were not necessarily INTUITIVELY placed. I was around when the first GUI interfaces were made publicly available, INTUITION and

I'm a PMP and there are a large number of project management positions that have other job description requirements that are related to subject matter expertise and the PMP is listed as "preferred, not required". With that said, I suggest that you do some type of skills assessment and inventory to determine where you

As Tsylord mentioned, you would put the drawers underneath each tread. However I suspect that you already have the stairs? and if not the maximum height from step to step is 8.25" according to building code. Not just because they like that number, but because it is the maximum safe and ergonomic height for a step.

Everyone questions themselves or feel less than worthy at times. However there are also many people who chronically experience those feelings. If you would describe yourself as more like the first statement then go out and do something positive for yourself or someone else, or both. However if you find yourself

The best way that I found for using OneNote was to consciously use it for many types of note taking tasks with consideration for portability. Example one: helped a neighbor replace a water heater. Used OneNote app on phone to make a list of fittings and materials that I thought were needed and then put in some

Used all different types of media in printers, but never index cards. However my experience suggests that any printer capable of using pre-cut 3x5 photo paper would also be conducive to index card printing.

The ethics of low-balling may be questionable...buyer beware, seller be just as aware. Doesn't seem like directly lying about the condition of an item is ethical and might possibly fall into the category of theft.

Yeah, but how do you really feel? Some of us have been bound to an OS based on business critical applications written or optimized for Windows or MAC environment. In the words of Chevy Chase in Caddyshack "This isn't Russia Danny...Is this Russia Danny?". Me? I'm an OS/2 fan that always wanted to get in the Pink,

Depends on what you want to do, but Outlook would be the most versatile and fully featured. One of the less obvious features of Outlook is the ability to create form objects for mail items, calendar, contacts, etc. Like I said though, it depends on what your needs are. I've tried using many others, but I use

If you're just replacing the windows because they're no longer functional then I would suggest using the least expensive, best fitting replacements that you can locate and make sure that they sealed properly where the new material meets the old. On the other hand, if you are re-purposing your basement space want to

I would suggest that you actually hold of on spending money for additional memory unless you absolutely know that you are using the 64-bit version of Win7 and that you will regularly be exceeding 4GB. There are a number of tricks and tweats in Win7 and one that might help if you're looking for speed is to leave a 4GB

Make sure that you're user account is also configured as an Administrator account. Open Control Panel and select "View by: Large Icons" and the contents of the Control Panel will be displayed in alphabetical order. Administrative Tools will be one of the first icons.

iOS and iPhone hardware are incomparable in many respects. However....25 years of cell phone use, 15 years of PDA use and 7 years of smartphones have provided me with a great deal of information and experience. Unfortunately Apple has taken out so many slivers of the pie and replaced some of them with vegetables and

can't believe I missed it!!!! 8 freaking diets to lose all the weight I put on from Ben & Jerry's over the years.....worth every ounce!!!! oh well, screw the diet, time to go to store and buy a few pints! cheers!


I agree, it's probably a matter of perspective. My phone is a crucial part of my business and I have 4 kids, all ages, so it comes down to time and money. I used APT backup the first time that I jailbroke and then lost an entire weekend manually rebuilding the software after the first jailbreak upgrade. Bought