
Dark Phoenix Fox NEVER Understood Who the X-Men Are

I endorse Hogarth as She-Hulk, though that might actually make her LESS scary

this was beautifully written. i have yet to watch When They See Us. i watched the documentary from a few years ago on PBS- The Central Park Five. i’ve read about the case countless times, and have been infuriated every time. because of this, i had decided not to watch the series because i knew the anger and sadness

The opening scene lets you know the raptors are not to be trifled with. Really sets what the tone will be in the latter half of the movie.

GOD, yes. That knock on their door filled me with absolute horror. I’m glad they didn’t show anything more.

Buffy the tv show was actually a reboot of a bad film, so that supports your theory.

I had a load of Amazon vouchers given with the ‘treat yourself’ clause, so I decided to treat myself to the Buffy and Angel DVD box-sets and pretend I’m 16 years old again (it’s not on Netflix anymore here). Persuaded by some videos I saw on youtube by a guy called ‘Passion of the Nerd’ who does synopsis of the

Also the season 5 episode where Dawn tried to bring Joyce back.

I personally loved the end of Angel, it was so fitting with the theme in terms of ‘doing the right thing’ and adulthood. The fight never ends, even when it seems hopeless, you have to keep on going.

Seriously? If we’ve learned anything from Buffy S6 is that you don’t bring things back from the dead...

Needlessly? I need to read this. To me, Faith was both extraordinary (she likes sex! She isn’t apologetic about it!) and all too real (the poverty, the broken home, the struggle to control the people around her, with sex being one of her tools for control, but at the same time so terrified of being rejected she was

I used to subscribe to Entertainment Weekly, and once in a while they would feature an a show’s entire episode guide and synopsis. I read the entire Buffy issue..THEN I started watching it on FX.

I will add also that while Beer Bad is widely regarded as one of the worst episodes, I think it has a few really excellent moments. And it gave us some great gifs.

The end of Innocence is one of my favorite moments of television ever. I just thought the way they set the Judge up and then took him down with all the “no weapon forged” stuff was so clever.

I remember being on some college break my Freshman year, channel surfing, and stumbling upon the scene from the season 2 Halloween episode where temporary-ghost Willow scares the crap out of Giles at the card catalog. I enjoyed the hell out of whatever it was I was watching and didn’t realize that it was Buffy until

I still consider Buffy the greatest television show ever made, but sometimes I’m not sure if it’s my biased of having grown up with the show showing through. Like you, I was the same age as Buffy as the show was aired - as she was dealing with high school drama, so was I. When I had difficulties adjusting to going

God, Anya’s such a great character that kind of gets forgotten in these convos so I’m glad you gave her a shout out at the end. She’s so good at being the blunt logic and asking “why?” She’s a demon who never fully had to live, understand, or even like humans and then suddenly she has to with no guidance. The gang

I am Buffy’s exact age. We grew up together. I felt everything that happened to her so deeply in myself. It seemed like anything I was going through, she was also dealing with in such a realistic, authentic way. Like her, I was the leader of my group and frequently was called upon to deal with things that were

Yes, the episodes in S6 where she comes back from being dead? Such a good representation of depression and mental illness. And her friends were such dicks to her after literally pulling her back from heaven.

Yay! Buffy talk! Remember the racist “Inca Mummy Girl” episode from Season 1? Also the representations of the first slayer always bothered me: the dark skinned, animalistic woman from obviously darkest Africa and the conflation of the first slayer with demonic qualities. Ugh.