
Satanists are now the good guys

That’s a great headline - If only....

She’s upset that she lost sponsors, full stop. If anyone deserves cancellation these days, Its this witch. (no offense to witches).

Eliza was fantastic In Sharp Objects, holding her own with both Amy Adams and Patrica Clarkson - no easy feat for such a young actor.

KS has been good In things, terrible In others, and I won’t comment on her public persona. But this Is awful casting. She’s a full 5 Inches shorter, and with her sulk, make that about a foot. Diana was an Icon. Do better.

Wow - did I read a different article? I came away feeling that Amy Is truly entitled, rude, total drama queen, and emotionally stunted - how Is this a ‘rehab’ - It actually confirms everything and actually makes her look worse!  Plus It sounds like dozens of women I have come across In my years In NYC. Scary.

Its not PC to make fun of sex workers

I’ve also seen lots of comments trying to downplay the ruling to make It look like It was a huge loss for them, when It really Is. They want to spare their argument of It

Perhaps he resents the broad embrace of their suffering and loss, as well as the need to memorialize the Holocaust In education and public life; which hasn’t happened to the black community and slavery. Two horrible periods of time, crimes against humanity against an entire religion and race. The US still has our

The clip I have seen repeated shared Is how he compares the past history of slavery vs the Holocaust. He says that Americans just want to forget and move on, and ask why can’t black people do the same. Then he discusses a key point from Jewish people about the Holocaust, ‘never forget’ and how Its unilaterally

I’m not commenting on the type of modeling - no judgements, although some It goes beyond underwear and Is more soft-core. Like everything, he lied and exaggerated - she was never high fashion or a ‘supermodel’ as he’s referred to her as.

I’d really like someone to dig Into her ‘modeling’ days...

She was a very specific type of model, as anyone can see by googling her. She was never a ‘supermodel’ as trump has tried to portray her as. 

and Girls was still about four white girls...

Through tears? In 2020? Now she’s crying? Ridiculous. When they scouted the location for the apartment building, which means Central Perk would only be blocks away - did they not see all the gay people (black, latino, white, Asian) everywhere? The building Is a few blocks below Christopher Street, which prior to

Its also not the media to misinterpret this Instance. Glad that you are set In your mind, but MILLIONS may not be and a combination of bullshit articles like this could easily sway people. Say what you want about Hillary, but there were plenty of articles that were like this (not necessarily here) about her that

excellent point, very constructive

how many of these ‘we’ll support Joe, BUT....’ articles Jezebel will make before they realize they are helping the other guys?

Thank you for continuing to support and undermine our ONLY RESORT TO GETTING TRUMP OUT IN NOVEMBER. Great job. 

These people are garbage