I’m sorry, who Is under the Impression that anyone on these shows Is there to ‘make a connection’?
I’m sorry, who Is under the Impression that anyone on these shows Is there to ‘make a connection’?
Is It terrible that every time I read about a church holding services, I think of the shot from the first episode of The Walking Dead with the padlocked hospital doors, Instead Its a church.
LOTR Is serious comfort food. Once you’re past the first viewing (or a few) and you know the story, It really Is soothing.
they aren’t pro-life - they are pro-controlling women’s bodies and choices
File under - what did you expect? I have sympathy for these kids - but their only way Is to leave. I can’t Imagine how hard It would be, but for their own happiness. Unrelated, but kind of not, my TikTok feed Is suddenly full of young LDS members complaining about all the negative comments about their religion - and…
Meghan really shouldn’t flatter herself to think she Is on AOC’s level...
With Presley and his face tattoo and Kaia dating Pete Davidson - wtf Is happening In the Crawford/Gerber household...
This never really fulfilled Its promise. I enjoyed the first season, but I wanted to like It more than I did. Second season was ok, and this one - I watched the first few episodes and keep forgetting to not only watch them but that they are even on. I miss bi - but seemingly more gay- Ambrose from season one, with his…
Frankly I’m surprised she wore this to the Grammys since Its so ‘low key’ for the show. Its chic and retro. I’m disappointed she didn’t win anything because Norman Fucking Rockwell Is one of the best albums of the year and got great reviews when It came out.
Plus their furry faces trap the oxygen close to their noses so they can breath....nope, I got nothing....
This is the first thing I said walking out of the movie. I want more Blanc.
Depending on your politics, If you follow him on Twitter he seems to be. He also dated my ex-upstairs neighbor, and while I haven’t met him, that one-degree of separation makes us great friends.
exactly this - don’t Malificent/Joker him. Drop him Into a new crazy case. I’m totally here for this.
I know who he Is. The post is asking for captions. I’m responding to the look on Phoebe’s face.
1. Who Is this creepy old fuck?
look at his face - It looks like she Is hurting him. Maybe he has arthritis or something - he’s old! I don’t care who you are - you aren’t someone’s pull toy. What she did was uncalled for - he was In the right.
Difference between old school entrepreneurship Is the new cult of personality for the founder. It builds them up, feeds their ego, and they really think they have a mission and can change the world. Bullshit. You make something, and you sell shit. End of story. Disruption Is just another way of saying ‘I want to get…
so late to the party so reading these articles only now. After seeing the whole series, the sadness of this episode really permeates through the entire series. I understand why this ep Is so effective - but I too was thinking ‘why!’ when she goes to the house and sees Arthur. Its so effective throwing something so sad…
Well I believed It when Shailene Woodley told me to sun my vagina, but this nobody can’t convince me to do the same with my southern rosebud.
Agreed - Its about the casting of the angels. Naomi fell flat after Aladdin - bad movie, made a lot of money, and for me she didn’t stand out at all. No Idea who the third woman Is - and I find KStew Insufferable, however reviews says she Is the funny heart of the movie - where Is that In the trailers? Also - Patrick…