
he is really regretting his decision in that photo

Harris’s pork looks delicious; I have a crush on Yang; and Gillibrand is giving me Pleasantville vibes with her dress/ice cream cone combo. 

Also - doing the double middle finger thing, trying to be punk is the most un-punk thing you can do.

same response from so many hair and makeup people of that era

She’s so terribly uninteresting. 

Even with all the terrible things this man has said and done, this photo, to me, illustrates his extreme level of unfitness for office. He has no empathy, no sense of the gravity of the moment. He’s probably thinking this is a great gift for the kid later in life, what a privilege to get a photo op with him. 

And he never pressed charges because....?

how about a video where the dog is like ‘fuck this’ and eats her face off...

its one of the three warning signs of sociopath behavior.

there are tons of youtube videos now calling her out and featuring footage from it. I love when the internet has a pile on.

She’s filming a prank video on her dog. Ok. That in itself is gross. But her reaction when it won’t play a long? She’s lucky it doesn’t eat her fucking face off. Now that would be good video.

I’d take this over the Vegas grasshopper invasion any day. But yeah, Florida.

As a white man, I know that she did not write for me. But I loved her work. While I read almost every novel, I loved Song of Solomon the most, perhaps because of the male protagonist, I’m not sure. It was one of the most indelible reading experiences I’ve ever had. Every death is lamentable, but hers feels like a bit

Literally every day I’m in shock that this vulgar family has gotten as far as they have. 

because she thinks the country is so stupid that they’ll believe that she’s genuine. Hell, her father got elected so yeah, we’re pretty stupid.

Good cast. I think Marsden’s an excellent choice to succeed Sinese.

‘managed to make Las Vegas trashier’ is the best comment ever.

who are these dreadful people?

Another reason why this movie is so great. 

We need a Diet Prada or Estee Laundry for the entertainment industry....