
Two point something, prior to my brother being born (which I also remember from the trip to the hospital to see him in the nursery) at 2 & 8/12ths.

My wife ran away from home once when she was 6.

“I didn’t imprison Tyrion, Your Honor; I just showed him out of the keep via a Skycell.”

The punchline being that the urologist forcibly catheterized that puppy BACK UP INTO MY BLADDER before my lithotripsy the following Friday.

Following in line with all the other ‘not gross but maybe alarming’ stories, my CAT scan technician blanched and asked “Does... does it hurt?” when I went in for a scan of my urinary tract following a couple of days of barely being able to pee.

Not sure why the Queen’s in front of a floral silhouette of Helen Mirren, but good on her.

Need to update your ‘SC capitol’ picture, given we finally got the damn Confederate flag out of there.