
Personally, I’m more angry at Republicans than Democrats. That doesn’t mean I’m not angry at Democrats, though.

tells fellow contestant and RuPaul’s Drag Race judge Ross Mathews she was “haunted” by President Donald Trump’s tweets.

Lindsay Graham’s comment is fucking stupid on its face - “We need an national event saying ‘Thank You’ to our men and women in uniform?”

Don’t be fooled, she’s fucking nuts.

“Nothing but... a gunshot wound.”

Nothing but a gun shot wound. You are a vile human being.

What a boob.

I keep thinking of that opening scene in Selma.
Oprah registering to vote.
Oprah’s memorized the preamble and knows how many judges there are in Alabama and so on, but it’s no good cos the dude just moves the line.
The rules aren’t the rules, the rules are just a stick to stop you from getting what I don’t want you to

It’s not that your take isn’t ‘popular’, it’s that it is the take of a ‘gaping, stinking asshole’.

I don’t see how Tom Izzo survives this

When was the last time the Brewers were truly exciting? Harvey’s Wallbangers? This could be pretty cool.

With CHIP no longer a factor, the GOP will just frame the next shutdown as those terrorrist Democrats choosing a bunch of filthy illegal aliens over our brave men and women in uniform who can’t get paid now.

The Democrats caved and lost big time. I wouldn’t trust McConnell and Ryan to not piss on their own shoes, much less allow a DACA vote.

“Bamboozled” is a word that comes to mind. This’ll make Dems look like fucking chumps.

Absolutely this. I hope Schumer gets primaried for 2022. And CHIP was going to be refunded no matter what, simply because white kids use it too.

Oh stop, please just stop.

Ah, once again the Democrats are most concerned about being seen as the “reasonable” party that is willing to work together and compromise. And, once again, the Republicans are going to be able to spin it into a victory and show their supporters that they own those stoopid libruls.

You’re 53 years old and posted this. That’s why people hate you. Nothing to do with the sports.

Hey - have some respect. TeamAmericaFuckYeah beat Call of Duty on HARDCORE level, and only died 4 times. He put his avatar’s life on the line for your virtual freedom.

Eh, fuck his staff. They’ve chosen to work for a lying, trump-supporting piece of scum. They deserve whatever verbal abuse they get.