
The mistakes of a group of people in a large organization should force them to blow the entire thing up

Gyro casserole. Gyro meat, some sort of pita topping, you make up the rest (hey, I’m not a chef, I’m an idea man) (which basically means I’m worthless).

your take is bad and you should feel bad

Shut the fuck up with your “both sides” bullshit.

Shut the fuck up

I would like to extend a hearty “Fuck you,” to every person that voted him into office. This includes all the Susan Sarandons of the world.

It’s only voter fraud if the fraud is for the other guy.

Cool, Bonds is gonna miss another year. I think we all know who to thank:

Sean McDermott always knew that a white quarterback would get the Bills to the playoffs.

trigger happy police, this would never happen in europe. Better trained officers

That doesn’t actually work. The only thing that really works in getting clear ice is directional freezing. Most of the cloudiness is dissolved air that gets trapped. 

“There are good people in every place, party, and religion.1" Isn’t that what trump said about the nazis in Charlottesville ?

This is every Republican. From senior senator to lowly councilor. From school-board member to President of the United States; this is what you get when you are a Republican. And if you can’t see it, you’re just as evil as they are. Because that level of ignorance is impossible to reconcile with reality, because there

White America got the President it wanted. He’s is the white id made flesh.

On the one hand, this guy fucking sucks.

I’m a little disappointed that when I clicked on the headline for this article, the entire body wasn’t just the word: “Yes.”

Richardson was apparently very disappointed to learn he had to sell the whole team rather than each player individually.

I bet my entire annual income that he secretly gets off on plebs begging him for mercy and then killing them anyway.

The GOP sold its soul 35 years ago with Reagan. The rest is just shit circling down the drain into a herpes infected cesspool.

thanks for the comment. we took your advice, and doubled the character limit. (just fyi, the only reason we have any character limits at all is that our staff and some volunteers transcribe these messages on to cards, which we then deliver to survivors.)