
Generally speaking, people who want to be cops shouldn’t be allowed to be cops.

Apparently, people want to prioritize one protected class (religion) over another. Of course, it’s not really about “religion”, it’s about christianity. Even then, it’s not christianity, but rather a very specific and (to be honest) twisted interpretation of christian texts (which doesn’t actually hold up under

He is also on tape bragging about sexual assault, and he was never held accountable for that either. It is becoming rapidly clear there is literally nothing Trump will do that will cause Republican lawmakers, let alone his rabid base, to abandon him. The Republicans sold their souls by keeping Trump around; they’ve

As Ana Marie Cox says often on her podcast, the GOP very alarmingly acts like a party that doesn’t need to win elections.

It’s Vincent Adultman

TEMPE-Asked waiter at BW3: “God, did you hear about Greg Schiano?”

Don’t forget the Spinzall - a culinary centrifuge. Makes a lot of the modernist cuisine recipes doable (or much faster) at home.

Both the joule and anova are great, but I favor the anova because I don’t have to use an app to control it.

I have no opinion on this story, but I live in Portland and Canzano is trash. Also, he’s not a beat reporter - he’s a columnist. Everything he writes should taken with a huge grain of salt.

Your confusion here is slightly confusing to me.

Again. Fuck Off.

Put her on Highly Questionable with Le Batard for starters.

The guy who just a few months earlier was sitting behind a desk in a fake office telling Jon Lovitz “You’re fired!” because he didn’t, I dunno, sell enough candy bars in Times Square.

Abortion is immoral, barbaric and a mortal sin in the eyes of The Lord unless you are rich or politically connected. It says so in the Bible.


As a non-Pats fan, let me just say: fuck ALL of you Pats fans.

Tax reform is really hard to accomplish. Tax cuts on the rich is really, really easy.

I used to think this was a clever meme, but then I realized there’s no actual contradiction at all. The Right just wants black ppl to shut the fuck up and take their oppression.

I don’t know about this. I’ll agree that Graham-Cassidy is dead, and that in a larger sense the constant efforts to ram something through with 50 votes is dead, when the clock strikes 12:00 a.m. on October 1, and not a single moment before.
