
So someone much better at this than me pointed out the difference in the 2 parties which helps explain why they act like they do. The GOP is built on an idology,the Dems are a coalition of various groups (and usually don’t always see eye to eye with each other). It’s always easier to get everyone following an idology

He believed he could change the viewpoints of a 70-year old New Yorker who lives like it’s still 1984.

Officer: Do you know where you are?

Tiger: I would like to have a threesome with you and another girl you trust. 

The best thing about sous-viding these, is that Costco sells them in individually vacuum-sealed bags. Take out of the freezer, drop in a 145F water bath for 2 hours, and you’ve got delicious, moist chicken breast.

“Hey, I’m a deeply polarizing candidate who is in the middle of the most important stretch run of my career. Some damaging information has been leaked so of course the sensible thing to do is MURDER THE SOURCE despite the fact that the information is already out there and this could only cause unspeakable damage to my

Carnitas! I don’t like them from the slow cooker, so I typically spend a couple of hours over the stove using the method from this link, and typically transfer to a baking sheet for browning under the broiler at the very end. So far, it’s my favorite way to make carnitas, and I don’t know exactly why I like it so much

Samer Le Batard?

Jesus wept. This is awful cooking advice. People want a burger that is juicy and flavourful. Not bland and wet, which is what’s being advocated here. These are hamburgers. Cooking 101. You do not need to “hack” a burger. Buy good ground meat with adequate fat, form the patties, sprinkle with salt and pepper, put ‘em

Americanos are fantastic for cooling off in hot weather.

All I take from this comment is that if I ever have to share a flight with you I will absolutely storm the cockpit and fly that plane directly into the fucking ground.

I’m sure the GOP is concerned, and with good reason, but there’s no way Dem turnout is enough to get him 50%. Call me cynical but I’ll take historical precedent on Dem turnout in non-Presidential elections.

I use wireless earbuds with a cord that goes behind my head when I work out. While running the cord can get annoying especially if it is too loose and it starts slapping against my back. I think I might get these to try out while running.

I use wireless earbuds with a cord that goes behind my head when I work out. While running the cord can get annoying

The mere fact that you call it pop-pop tells me that you’re not ready.

Eating popcorn while watching professional athlete grandson play is some life of kings shit.

Club Penguin was my first experience with an MMO, and indeed online gaming as a whole. I learned a lot about gamer and internet etiquette, and it holds a special place in my heart.

My sister and I were the target age group when it launched. She played longer than I did (I was more into webkinz and disney fairies) but we both have many fond memories. Like your kids it’s been 4 or 5 years since we logged in but we both my new accounts to log in tonight to say a final goodbye. It’s pretty sad like

The cart surfing game was the best. Period. Secret Penguin Agent missions were also great. Sad to retire my penguin.... When I stopped playing in 2012, I had unlocked everything a free user could. RIP fied.

God’s Debris is the first non-Dilbert, non-humor book by best-selling author Scott Adams

It feels more like (d) - he really meant it, but knew it was a shitty thing to say, so if there was blowback, he can always claim retroactively, “geez guys, I was tooottallly joking!”

The common thread seems to be unbridled power births shitheads.