
It’s actually Jill Stein all over again. A kooky moron that has *juuuuust* enough decent ideas to not be 100% discounted that will get be emboldened to make a 3rd party run. Who will then get *juuuuust* enough votes in a couple of states that makes ends up giving the state to Trump and ensuring another 4 years of this.

Example #2,478,980 of why anyone thinking that the problem is Trump is missing the bigger picture.

We really aren’t doing this again are we? Please tell me we’re not going to prop up an incompetent kooky moron and hold her up as some legitimate 3rd party option here? Please tell me we’re not gonna do this, defend it for a full year and then find out (as expected) she is little more than a tool of the Russians to

I’m so sick of dumbfucks like McCaskill parroting the tropes of “HURRRR LIBS JUST WANT FREEE STUFF HURRRRR

So, basically he’s exactly like every Trump appointee?

A perfect solution isn’t possible. So let’s do nothing. 

Hey! Remember when the GOP (and Pelosi!) went fucking apoplectic when Omar didn’t display the proper reverence for the sacred 9/11?

Christ. There’s another week of shitty NY Times editorials from Dowd and Stephens.  

Aww shucks. Thanks!  

For me, nothing beats hanging on the deck drinking something with bubbles. My go to is using a standard Collins spec and playing with it based on what I have.

For all the spineless centrists and Pelosi stans. This is why you impeach. Today was nothing we didn’t already know. And Trump is apoplectic. And GOP dipshits are forced to go defend this shit.

The GOP is filled with nothing but complete fucking morons. 

The GOP tries to win political power.

This is an Onion headline?  Right?  

Normal Day. President of the United States dropping bullshit rumors peddled by Ali Akbar and Jacob Wohl.

“Lindsay Graham’s pathetic” is evergreen and any word beyond that in a headline is superfluous. 

You spelling “this afternoon” wrong. 

This whole “Russia has something on him” is frankly silly. Possible, I guess? But, the almost certain reality is that, like almost every other old scared white person, they have always been horrible fucking people - racist, thieving, misogynist, homophobic - and are just simply emboldened more and more every day.

Why isn’t Nancy calling out other members (and happen to be white) of the House that aren’t 100% in lockstep with her?

Trump was simply following the vile racists attack that Nancy has been leading for months.