
Nancy is just pissed because it’s her job to demonize non white male Democratic Congresspeople

I told a friend today that honestly I think today was the day my brain broke. I’m broken. 

I honestly don’t understand how people can listen to this guy. By word 3 out of his mouth, I want to jab knitting needles into my ears. Not only because what he says (which is fucking horrible), but because of how he says it. The smugness of these shitgibbons on the right, I honestly can’t listen to them.  

In response to this, Opposition Party House Leader Nancy Pelosi called fellow Democratic Representative AOC a “Twitter whatever flailing around like a crazy person” and proceeded to get back to drinking an overoaked unbalanced butter bomb of a Chardonnay at her vineyard in Napa, CA.

Nancy ain’t gonna do shit.

In all seriousness, there are at least 2-3 times per day where I stop and just ponder that this country elected that complete fucking idiot because he is what dumb asses think was “rich” and “speaking his mind”

Ah yes. Let’s follow the guidance of Chuck and Nancy. There is no point doing anything now. You just “need to vote in 2020". You see, there’s no reason whatsoever to think that the we should try to do anything now. Just vote.

Pulled pork. Dry rub, liquid smoke. Sous Vide 167 for 24 hours. Finish in 300 oven for 60-90 minutes covering in some sauce every 15 minutes for the last 45 minutes.

But, Kellyanne Conway said...

The biggest cunt today is Piers Morgan.

More outrage from the right about a public company making a decision than children being kept in cages and dying.

Now playing

Ta-Nehisi Coates published “The Enduring Myth of Black Criminality” in 2015 and made this exact point.

(also would be great to get out of the grey at some point!)

Hell I remember when it was the “liberal” line as well. 

No worries AOC, Nancy herself negotiated for the children! And Nancy will now be informed within 24 hours of one of them dying.

I really am enjoying you asking if I’m a high school boy, while have zero reading comprehension.

You’re a right wing chud because you’re a fucking moron that thinks Tulsi Gabbard is anything but this cycles version of Jill Stein and like that, you’re simply regurgitating Russian bots in some sort of horseshit concern trolling.

Even playing the “durrrr I’m gonna call them the Democrat party hurrrrrr”.

Oh look. It’s another right wing chud playing “here’s what the Democrats need to do to win me over”.

He’ll milk weeks of columns on how the Democrats forced him to do a write-in vote for Mike Lee or some sort shit.