
Example number 78,312,829 why the leadership of the Democrats sitting on their asses doing nothing and thinking that anyone, anywhere is more concerned about “partisanship” or “civility” than doing the fucking job they were elected to do, is insanity.

This and the “western style liberalism” response highlights yet again the absolute and utter failure of the media for failing repeatedly to ask this fucking brain dead moron basic questions about government, governance, and basic civics shit a 4th grader should know. He literally knows nothing about a single aspect of

You’d THINK that there would be someone in the leadership of the DNC that would, I don’t know, just spitballin here, game out a strategy for winning that would include things like “Hey Beto, stop wasting your time running for something you’ll never win, and instead focus on getting John fucking Cornyn out”.

The conditions will surely improve now! And I mean, Pence has assured to let Nancy know within 24 hours of a kid dying.

But, hey good thing that Nancy and Chuck are passing on even trying to hold anyone in the GOP to account, because, you know, vote them out! Good ole voting! I mean, it’s not like the GOP and their court stacking would do something that would render voting almost meaningless.

I honestly don’t know how it is that Kilmeade and Doocy remember to breathe. Do they have an app on their phones? Some electrical device that shocks them every 5-7 seconds which triggers them “oh yeah, I need to breathe”?

Last 7 words of that headline are superfluous. 

He’s a conservative white male veteran. Christ, it’s more likely he’ll be the VP nominee in 2020 than face any actual consequences here.

Setting aside my personal beliefs about (a) God and whatnot, I can confidently say that religions, religious people, and all the horseshit that surrounds them is literally the reason this country, and this world, is so fucked up. At the end of the day, almost every single crazy bullshit comes down to people bastardizin

Honestly, I think we’re beyond the point of being fixable. 

The only thing you need to know is that Trump must be defeated in 2020

This sounds great. Drink more Aquavit!

Cool. Dumbfuck McBothsides has arrived. We can start the party now!

The police are lying? I’m gobsmacked. Someone get me to my fainting couch  

You see, it’s not bad that dozens of schoolkids were brutally murdered, it’s bad that a media member called it a “Magazine” when it’s most definitely a “Clip”.  

Kevin McCarthy is a dumb fucking pud.  Nothing he says should be acknowledged as anything other than the insane ramblings of human woopee cushion. 

Same playbook as gun nuts driving semantics arguments about clips or magazines to distract us all from the real horror.

Just call yourself a Republican and get it over with you fuck.

Elected leaders following and/or retweeting Ryan Fucking Saavedra makes me want to burn the entire world to the ground.  

If Democrats had any fucking idea how to message, they’d stop tweeting out horrific phone wallpapers and instead would distribute talking points to each and every Democrat about how they should be screaming “the GOP wants Russia to interfere in every election” at the top of their lungs every second of every day to