But I was told repeatedly that he was the Adult in the room?
But I was told repeatedly that he was the Adult in the room?
Can we PLEASE stop calling people actively trying to undermine democracy by any means necessary “Provocateurs”, they are bad faith artists trying to grift fellow Americans at best, and treasonous fucking pieces of shit if we’re being honest here.
And by out of a job you mean promoted to like head of the Tennessee Republicans, or a job a Fox News, or a job in the Trump administration? Right?
It’s 100% his fault.
I’m so sick of these useless boomer chuds absolutely destroying every fucking thing. They cannot die off soon enough.
Republicans HATE Representative Democracy.
As long as the shitheels like him and O’Keefe keep going on their merry ways with no repercussions for their bullshit, it becomes less and less funny. They see no consequences for this shit, so they up the stakes each and every time. Granted Wohl and Burkman are also really bad at it, but that doesn’t change the…
O’Keefe literally breaks into the office of an elected official. These chucklefucks literally try creating a story about Mueller.
Fuck Chase, Fuck Jamie Dimon, and fuck anyone defending this shitty tweet from a horseshit fraudulent company that paid off its fine for frauding consumers by doing more frauding of of consumers.
John McCain bringing Palin and Meghan into the national conversation really is the perfect cherry on top of the shit sandwich of his contribution to Murica.
I am all about this recipe and couldn’t recommend it more.
I had my first gout attack at like 25. Didn’t know what it was, doctors could not tell. Went away in a few days and went on with my life. Then they started getting more frequent. Thought I had bone chips or something that “got in the wrong place” from time to time or something.
Voting your racism is bad, huh?
This country is so fuckin stupid.
Follows a bunch of Alt Right chuds
Lets Nazis continually harass people
Let Alex Jones run roughshod for years
Goes on Rogan with Tim Pool
Apologizes to Candace Owens for *GASP* the being referred to as Alt Right
Meeting with Anti Vaxxer
Meets with Trump
She also pulled a Palin by referring how she could see Canada from her porch.
How fucking awesome is it that a piece of shit from a shithole state gets to fuck the rest of the county for generations. Great fucking system of governance we got here.
I’ll reiterate what I said last week.
Well, now I’m thinking this would help build a better crust, and importantly doing it more quickly, after sous vide.