
What the hell is it with these fuckheads and their continued reference to the Democratic Party as “Democrat Party”? Is it that they are this fucking stupid (they are) or is there some wacky conservative joke her that I’m missing or they are just that fucking petty (they are) that they think it demeans them.

Member when Obama didn’t wear a jacket in the Oval Office that one time?  

What exactly is new in this proposal? 

It’s a grift to try and become the next Carville and Mataline.

Is Sanders’ “the lady doth protest too much” non-apology tour meant to show the president that she’s still his reliable foot-soldier, or is she simply constitutionally incapable of accepting responsibility for being one of the most high profile bullshitters in the country

I mean. You saw these fucks are white, yes?

They haven’t subpoenaed anything to this point. You trusting that they will is lunacy.

And if we have to depend on gutless centrists that sit by and do nothing, it really it doesn’t matter, because 20 more months of GOP rule and the country will be dead and like we’ve seen attempted in WI and NC, the GOP will simply not allow elections or refuse to conceded power.

Yeah. I do fail to grasp how doing NOTHING at all is better than at least showing your base that you stand for fucking something. The 2018 election was won in many ways, one of which was the thought of holding Trump to some minor level of accountability.

See I think this is a great point. The Democrats should take the lessons that the GOP painfully learned. Remember how much it hurt the GOP when they continually tried repealing Obamacare when there was no real shot at it actually succeeding?

Nah, instead, just sit around, do nothing, and let the republic burn to the ground. Because norms? Something?

Her response is to attack members of her own party, in support of Trump’s position. Because she cares about her power and nothing more.  

It is fucking WILD to me that the entire basis of governance for this country could be obliterated and rendered meaningless so quickly, so easily, and without any resistance whatsoever.

Oh my “considering issuing subpoenas”. Whew. Didn’t want any of that democratic leadership rushing ahead hastily without any indication that there’s something untoward going on  

Well, clearly, snarky clapping.

Ah yes, just the victory the base was looking for. Allowing Trump to do a SoTU address, only after dipshit reopened government.

Bourbon goes well with many a fruit. Peach, Dark Berries, Cherry, Orange Marmalade, mint (as mentioned above, damn I love this idea), spicy chili jellies... hell, the more I type, the more I’m trying to think of a fruit jam flavor that wouldn’t go with Bourbon.

Because for Schumer and Pelosi, they don’t give a fuck at what the majority of Americans want. They care about one thing and one thing only, maintaining their individual power. That’s it. They don’t care about the party accomplishing anything, they don’t care about the party winning elections, or enacting bills. They

Yeah. She’s exactly like Mitch McConnell.

Why it’s almost like she’s not really in this at all for anything but securing her power alone, that the Democratic party make changes that help American people is of no concern and actually is detrimental to her, and she thinks being cozy with the “opposition” helps her maintain her power.