Timo Vuorensola

You are right in both points, and especially the latter one I agree. We're not unempathetic people, we just tend to go a long way to not to show that side of us. Maybe we should more.

Just as a side note, I'm a director; both films were written by American writers (Michael Kalesniko wrote the first, Dalan Musson the second). Of course I've had a big impact on the scripts, but I can't claim all the honor of writing them.

I guess one of the issues is that we as Finns are not known for our empathy - it's definitely not my strong suit. But I get what you mean, and agree with you. I spent most of my satirical fuel to satirize the Nazis, the national socialism as a movement and its' power fantasies - and empathy doesn't really fit there.

But, on a bit more serious note - the reason this whole 'perk' was born was from a discussion I had when I saw Abrams working on a script for the new Star Trek reboot. I wish there would've been a way to read and comment it, as a Trekkie. I would've easily paid for it, even knowing in their case that they definitely

Oh, that hit too close home, Don? Sorry about that, didn't realise.

I'm a firm believer of lingorealistic characters, and I know American filmmakers are usually not allowed to play around with multiple languages in a film, but it's still OK here in Europe so I enjoy doing that. You know, Nazis speaking real German and not some crappy accent, it's just something I've always loved.

This time we'll focus on insulting as many religions as we can fit in one movie. Following your logic, as an atheist I probably shouldn't try that either, but I'll give it a solid go anywhoo.

You read the script? I was looking for your name, mr. Herpes, from the supporter list we sent the script to and didn't find.

Nowhere anymore, it's closed now. So you missed your chance.

I like to think it makes it more epic. But I've heard people saying it makes it just slower. I don't really know, I like DC more, but hey, I'm a bit biased..

It was about 20 minutes longer, we added some full sequences but it wasn't dramatically different.

Just to fix one bit the writer has misunderstood: we're not aiming to fully crowdfund the film. Of our $14m half is coming through traditional sources (film funds etc.); we're aiming to crowd fund a portion of the remaining half.

It's called Iron Sky The Coming Race. So sue me.

No, you won't. You get to comment a script of a movie that's being made, and hopefully made better because of the comments.

No, nobody giving feedback will get paid. (I've very rarely heard anyone getting paid for giving feedback, to be honest.) Nobody's asking or letting anyone to re-write anything, either.

Actually, the very first draft I wrote of Iron Sky 1 was all about Hitler clones. But we decided not to go for it. This time, we certainly have Hitler in it, but no clones.

Yes, Laibach will do the soundtrack. And yes, they rule.