
@Daniel Hinkles: Yet their are way more gamers actually PLAYING games on Live than their are on PSN. 360 multiplat titles like CoD always sell better on 360... lots of times out selling their PS3 counterpart 2 to 1.

@Kent: Almost all of them are capable of SD storage, the problem is that slot is already filled by an SD card... you would have to remove it to put in a bigger card. The Focus is the only one whos SD slot is empty as well as have on board storage to add to the pool.

@HandsomeHorse: I would say the Samsung Focus even, though it only has 256megs of ram. Thats because its the only one that doesnt use SD but internal on board staorage.

@jubella: This is true. Devs are really coming out big for WP7. This is due to not only superior dev tools than both iOS and Android but the fact that MS is really getting behind it.

@MonkeyChunks: Well WP7 is in luck because they also have hundreds of none Xbox Live games on the cheap in the marketplace as well. Both hardcore and casual gamers have somthing for them in the marketplace. In fact, 7 of the 10 top selling games in the marketplace right now are free with 4 of them being non Live

@shouryuuken: Its a current exclusive thats doing very well for them. Its also coming out for XLA very shortly.

@Altima NEO: IMO... WP7 best definityly Android and even iOS when it comes to gaming implimentation. Xbox Live on WP7 simply blows away anything on those platforms. As for games... WP7 has already proven it can steal exclusive and high profile titles from iOS as well as create their own exclusives like ilomilo, Halo

WP7 already has some nice exclusives and it will only get better as MGS Mobile kicks out more games and ports from Live Arcade 360. Just Imagen titles like Castle Crashers, Banjo Kazooie, Viva Pinata, Perfect Dark, Limbo, Splosion Man and others, as well as spin offs to Halo, Fable and Gears.

@scrapking: Well obviously, the 360 version runs at a higher rez but since its only Indie Games, it lacks Achievements which the WP7 version has... either way, their both great. Pretty soon Ill have all 3 version... the 360, GFWL and on the 2nd, WP7!

The fact that someone can praise Move while knocking the Wiimote is beyond me... their basically the same thing except Nintendo sells way more.

@Black Knight Rebel: Your absolutely right, which is why I didn't call out the engine or even the game really... I simply said the PS3 USERS wont rush out to buy another dragon game using the 6axis after what happend with that one.

@Cloud_Hiro: Just got finish selling off my copy of Saga on Amazon for $200... thats another reason why they need to remake the game.

@Black Knight Rebel: But your just talking out of your ass, as you have no idea what engine their using yet. Also, 2 different teams can do 2 totally different things with the same engine... even if it were, their can be tweaks and mechanics not found in the Sonic game. Just because you think Sonic Riders isnt good,

@Black Knight Rebel: LOL... the last time they made a Sixaxis Dragon riding game, it didnt go so well. I dont think PS3 users will rush out to buy another.

@Cloud_Hiro: This!!! Panzer Dragoon Saga Remake along with Shenmue remake is all I really want from Sega. I would pay any amount of money for these 2 titles.

@StrategyMonk: I thought they already laid them off... how can Activision benifit from MS picking them back up if their not owned by Activision anymore?

Its how it should have stayed. Bizarre should have never gotten the notion that they could do other genres and be successful. Even with activision, all they really did was a racer. MS should grab them back and have them continue to do PGRs for PC, WP7 and Xbox... maybe even some Kinect stuff

Go Halo Reach! Mass Effect 2 was a close second.