
@techynottreky: Does Office count? Office 2010 is set to launch later this fall.

@obie191970: LOL... stop it buddy... your making it worse. Your the one who brought up the EyeToy comment... implying that the EyeToy could do everything Natal can for $30 dollars... now all of a sudden your on the couch with your controller in hand... 360 has those too, it doesnt change the fact that you didnt know

@obie191970: If you think your going to come anywhere near that level of gaming on PS3 with just a EyeToy than you know nothing about gaming.

@Darkon_X: the gamepads cost $60...

@obie191970: Yes but without any PS move wands (that will cost you $60 a pop) you wont be competing with Natal.

$79.99 at most MS.

$79.99 at MOST MS! This will NOT work at that price point.

Dont need Google at all here, the 2010 MS Office beta has been everything i need and more.

Never understaood why someone would use XBMC over Windows Media Center and Media Browser or My Movies.