Timothy Young

Donald and Kiefer Sutherland as old and young Coleman Collins, please. Just imagine the elder Sutherland stepping out of the shadows and saying "So the birds have come home."

Of course Republicans are people! They're just not aware of the implants their Koch overlords have put in them under the guise of alien abduction…lots of special effects. Two mysteries solved, AV Club! You're welcome.

I think it does, but I do read them through the warm fuzz of nostalgia, so…I always thought that Xanth was meh, so I never had to worry about that particular embarrassment.

I just re-read Another Fine Myth for the first time in at least a decade. It's such a fun little book.

I wish Heller had taken the time to track down some of his 80's-90's studio output. The Feudalist Tarts and No Sex EPs are pretty close to perfection in short form, and A Man Called Destruction definitely has a ton of great blue-eyed soul moments. Like Flies on Sherbet is, while great for fans, a drunken mess.

Rick Moranis intentionally retired. I'd love to have him back, but he doesn't need rehabilitation.

Agreed. More Lynchian weirdness is definitely called for. And Donnie, I'll second John Carpenter. The Ward wasn't great, but it was an effective little thriller and I enjoyed it. I think that we just expect so much more from him…a Halloween or In the Mouth of Madness every time out of the gate. So when he coasts

It was terrible. I got exactly one laugh in the whole half hour, and that was the Annie Hall bit at the end. And frankly, I'm pretty sure that was because I really like Annie Hall.

Just goes to show you what happens when great directors go sane.

Bob Gale's delightfully odd road movie/fantasy Interstate 60 from 2002. James Marsden is hired to deliver a package, Gary Oldman is his mysterious hitchhiker who may or may not have magical powers. Also stars Amy Smart, and cameos from Christopher Loyd, Michael J. Fox, and Ann Margaret, among others. Not for

Well, here we go again. A website presuming I can't read and need pretty pictures to find things. In the meantime, I can't find anything. Thanks for the last several years, AV club, it's been a hoot.

Joke from 1993:
Q: What do you call it when a punk moves from Minneapolis to Seattle?