Tim Foley

An excellent start to the last season finale before the show comes to a close. Without giving anything away, I think what this week of episodes about is reaffirming, after the epic detour of "Islands" and the clusterfuck of "Elements", what needs to be resolved for each character for the show to fittingly conclude.

"What's a non-gay way to ask him to go camping with me?"

Karl Pilkington invented—as far as I know—one particularly excellent use: fuckerage. Meaning useless chaff essentially; some pointless bit of bureaucracy at the place where he worked had been expanded upon, and he complained about it saying "They've added to the fuckerage." Really rolls off the tongue, that one.

Meanwhile, Russia is like "AHHH MOTHERLAND!!!"
Wow, who knew that shitpost was so prophetic.

So, since the first film's approach to World War I was "Germany and Britain were both kinda the bad guys," that means we'll be getting a massive summer blockbuster in which the bad guys are America and Russia.
I wonder if that'll ruffle any feathers.

Hmm. "Tim Foley and the Nomadic Parasites"? Is that too much?

Oh yeah, right. Although, that's a slightly embarrassing country of origin these days too, so, maybe try to pass as Australian?

Eyy, happy birthday, EB! Have fun in Portugal. Remember, if anyone asks, you're Canadian.

I liked "The Spanish Sahara—IS GONE!" best.

In terms of the quality of the movie (And only counting things I actually saw in the theater), Fury Road is tough to beat.
But in terms of overall moviegoing experience, honestly, probably Wonder Woman. I took my whole family to go see it (That is, my mom, my stepdad, his son, and all six of my brothers and sisters) a

I was never as down on the finale as some folks; then again, I never thought the show itself was the second coming of sliced bread to begin with, so its problems weren't the betrayal of a masterpiece to me.

Shit, I've been pretty happy with the MCU thus far; if he likes this one, maybe it'll be my final straw.

I'm halfway through his episode with Patrick Stickles; I'm grateful that somebody gave that man an opportunity to talk for a few hours, but I'm not really seeing his appeal as a host.

Is anybody still talking about how "Girls In Their Summer Clothes" sounds absurdly like a Magnetic Fields song?

Let's put it next to Logan on the list with "…if you wish they'd put the "Hero" back in "Superhero movie".

I still lean towards it being the best of the trilogy. The Dark Knight is more ambitious, and its best points are better than the best points of its predecessor, but Batman Begins is more consistent, lacking many of The Dark Knight's problems. It's still probably the best superhero origin story, although Wonder Woman

And Gingrich, don't forget Gingrich.

Yeah, he totally was.

I'd probably go with