Tim Foley

I'm unreasonably excited to see this show, and NPH's performance in particular. The books mean rather a lot to me, and the movie really did get a lot of stuff right as an adaptation, but they dropped the ball pretty hard on Olaf's character. Jim Carrey's performance was funny on its own, but it really didn't capture

Well, I've been showing my dad Steven Universe for the past few weeks now, watching him slowly get more and more invested in the characters and the story, and our block tonight is going, at long last, to be the final four episodes of season one.

The weird thing about Family Feud is that every challenge is based on how well you can align your thoughts with those of the masses, and identify with the lowest common denominator. The object is to give the answers that the most people gave in a survey; it's a game of "Who can conform the best?"
There was a question

You know what this guy's got that you haven't got? A GREAT BIG BUSHY BEARD.

I'm wary of anything that exists only because someone thought the title would be funny. See also: Dog With A Blog.

"I'll laugh at a joke with no punchline.
'It's funny 'cause it's true' is a good line.
And maybe one day I won't think it's true.
It's interesting to share our points of view,
The different ways we take our different cues.
I notice that we're wearing similar shoes,
Maybe we lie awake with similar blues.
And if I've learned

It's like one of those nightmares where every time something good starts to happen, the monster just absorbs it. I mean, it is. It is one of those nightmares, not just like one.

Here's how it works: all movies are supposed to cater perfectly and exactly to Armond White's rather particular taste, and any deviation from that taste is a crime against the art-form. That's how it works.

You have…so much to live for? Ah, fuck it. Go for it, watch the whole damn thing.

It looks just as awesome as ever. I was a bigger fan of the clips Martin Freeman brought with him to Colbert last night; they were heavier on the wit, which is important. It almost makes me laugh that this trailer seems to think that it might fool us into thinking this season might actually be super dark and gritty

Best part of the Georgia Aquarium, easy. Close second being that big movie theater screen sized-window into the same tank.

Dylan's acceptance speech is really touching. It's always weird when Bobby D drops the games and expresses something sincerely and straightforwardly; he so often in both his music and his public persona opts for riddles and evasions. It's nice to have him say what he means every once in a while.

Haven't seen it yet, but intend to.

It's okay, N. I love that movie too.

My jaw hit the floor at Nick's "Oh, there's a them now?" line.

Did you tell them you were G-g-g-g-gettin' Bi?

I'll have you know "Long and self-indulgent" is my middle name!

Gotcha. Thanks, Gussie.

Are we allowed to get a head start on our advent calendar piece? I'm still the newest guy here, and I didn't participate last year; I'm unsure of the rules.