I'm soooooo excited to see it. Arrival is pretty firmly cemented as my favorite movie of the year, but if anything looks incredible enough to displace it, La La Land does.
I'm soooooo excited to see it. Arrival is pretty firmly cemented as my favorite movie of the year, but if anything looks incredible enough to displace it, La La Land does.
It's a great ride, with a lot of subtle tension and character development that's only now coming the forefront. It's not as story-heavy as some of its peers, but is still definitely committed to changing the status quo and offering some legit twists and turns. It's mostly pretty wacky, but when it wants to get serious…
His role on Star vs. the Forces of Evil, one of my favorite current animated shows, gets to be both: the character starts out as a one-dimensional goofy villain, but he goes through a grueling ordeal that ends up gradually transforming him into a seriously threatening psycho. He gets to flex his chops a lot, all in…
I don't know if I would go with 90% of the time; maybe 50%. It's such a brilliantly fluid concept, which can apply to any number of real-world interpersonal dynamics. It's often explicitly sexual, but just as often it's not, representing other forms of intimacy, or theoretical emotional territory that no human being…
AT has been gangbusters this year. If you got a little burnt out by season six (Which I personally didn't, but many did), season seven makes a pretty sweet release. There's something really open and accessible about it, even as it goes to some weird, heavy places.
Yeah, that was great. Among basically every children's show ever made, only Steven Universe could write an episode in which the main characters' plan becomes unraveled because two of them couldn't control their lesbian lust for five minutes.
Speaking of which,
The Top 5 Best Children's Cartoons of 2016
1. Steven Universe. Having firmly established itself as a twister and turner to be reckoned with last year, this year SU rose to its highest calling as a champion of empathy and understanding.
2. Adventure Time. The bulk of AT's seventh season aired this year,…
Or both, as the case may be.
I have no idea how much I would agree with this list, given how little of its content I have actually watched. It's MZS, so I'd probably agree with about half of it and vehemently disagree with the other half, but the only way we'll know for sure is if I actually commit to watching proper grown-up shows besides…
Hey, the top comment on here finally rolled over to say "Two Years Ago". Yay.
I know of nothing better for such a psyching up than this: https://youtu.be/XsybNX5I2tQ
In a theater, The Last Airbender. And I didn't even have knowledge of the show at that point to fule my outrage.
At home, I dunno. Maybe The Apparition.
All y'all better sign up for the advent calendar or I'm gonna look really silly railing about Scooby-Doo by myself next week.
I finally saw Doctor Strange, that was pretty fun. I'm pretty much past the point of judging any individual MCU movie beyond a general fondness for the franchise and a general failure on its part to disappoint that fondness. It's my stories.
Also, I've been showing my dad Steven Universe. We just got up to "The Test";…
I won't remember this for longer than five minutes throughout my entire lifetime. If there's a longish commercial break during the ceremony, when it comes back I'll most likely say "Who the fuck is that?"
I'm having severe cognitive dissonance about Mads Mikkelsen being something other than stoic and quietly threatening.
Woops, edited.
And I kinda like Thor 2. It's dumb, but it's fun, globetrotting dumb, and the climax is gloriously bannanas.
Man, between this, the ongoing saga of insanity that is the revealed info about
Thor 3, and a new Spiderman movie that I might actually care about, Marvel is shaping up to have a pretty math 2017. Well, least someone will.
Ah yes, the opportunity to have Leonard Cohen, Bob Dylan, and Allen fucking Ginsberg sing on a track which was spent on…that.
I actually like that way better than the alternative. I'm tired of stories about people healthily working through their issues via hallucinations and delusions. At least finding healing through actual supernatural events is internally consistent.